World View: What Are Basic Human “Rights” ? ELD Semester Two Performance Task Topic: Rights Genre: Argument/Persuasive Text Types and Purpose
What is a “Right”? What Are Basic Human Rights??
A “right “ is a power or claim a person possesses, such as:
Equality In law, human rights is the idea that all people are entitled to have rights:entitled All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. —Article 1 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) [1]United NationsUniversal Declaration of Human Rights [1]
The right to be a citizen of a country: country
To seek asylum if a country treats you badly:asylum
The right to vote:
The right to live and the right to own property:
The right to safety from violence:
The Right to Free Speech:
The Right to Express Oneself:
The right to peacefully protest (speak against) a government or group:peacefullyprotest
The right to a Fair trial and to be considered innocent until proven guilty:trial
The right to believe and practice the religion a person wants:religion
The right to equalityThe right to equality of both males and females; women's rights:malesfemaleswomen's rights
The right to work:work
The right to health/medical care:
The right to communicate through a language:language
The right to marriage and family; the right to be loved and to love: and the right to NOT be forced into marriage.marriage
The right to be recognized as a person and the right to express his or her sexual orientation: ::sexual orientation
The right to privacy:
Rights Review Discussion Questions Think about the country in which you live now: 1.What rights do citizens have? 1.What rights do non-citizens have? 2.What are some American “rights”? 1.What are “rights” in other countries? 2.How are “Personal Rights” different around the world? When is an agreed to “Right” subject to restriction or change? Under what conditions does a “right” change?