Outcome 7.2
Canadians as citizens of the world often enjoy exploring many different areas of the globe. People travel to have fun and exciting experiences as they explore the cultures, customs, lifestyles, and places in different parts of the world. If you could choose any country in the world to visit, which one would you choose & why?
Tourism: travelling and the business of planning vacations 1000s of Canadians travel each year Domestic travel…..within Canada. International travel…..outside of Canada (international) To what areas have you travelled either domestic or internationally?
You have probably now noticed that a lot of Canadians visit the United States. This is not surprising considering that : Our closest neighbour Our largest trading partner. We also share many customs, traditions, and much of the same popular culture.
While Canadians travel domestically and internationally, each year Canada plays host to thousands of foreign visitors from around the world. Canada’s vast and diverse landscape offers visitors an opportunity to explore its natural systems. Its cities offer rich cultural and entertainment experiences that allow visitors to explore Canada’s human systems.
The national and provincial parks, attractions, and heritage sites offer visitors the opportunity to experience Canada. Canada has a variety of opportunities for visitors to experience from coast to coast.
One major benefit of globalization to Canada is tourism Canada has 15 World Heritage Sites that have been recognized by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO-Developed to preserve heritage sites around the world
Criteria for World Heritage Site Strong geographic value Strong cultural connection Hope that future generations will be able to enjoy these special places Historic district of Quebec City is a UNESCO site Building built before 1850 Retained all fortifications NL has two sites L’Anse aux Meadows and Gros Morne National Park