APO Defending Your Faith An Overview of Apologetics
Mystery vs. Contradiction Mystery – A secret, rite, or teaching which the initiate knows but no one else knows. Contradiction – A difference or disagreement between two things which means that both cannot be true. Paradox – A statement that is seemingly contradictory or opposed to common sense and yet is perhaps true.
Mysteries In Scripture The mystery of the kingdom of heaven (Matt. 13). The mystery of the church as the body of Christ where Jew and Gentile become one new man in Christ (Eph. 3:1-11; 2:11). The mystery of God, the answer to the age old question, why has God allowed Satan and evil to continue to exist (Rev. 10:7).
Arguments For The Existence Of God Ontological: An argument for God from “being”. It is an argument from reason alone. Cosmological: An argument that reasoned from the world (cosmos) back to the creator. Teleological: The argument from design. The presence of design in the universe would indicate a “designer”. Moral: An argument based on a global uniform morality.
Natural Theology General Revelation – Revelation from God that is given to ALL human beings. Natural Theology – Knowledge of God that is gained from nature. Special Revelation – Revelation found in the Scriptures.
General Revelation – Romans 1:18-23 Mediate: General Revelation is given to all people though some medium; it is indirect. Immediate: General Revelation is given directly (Immediate here does not mean quick or sudden but it means without an intervening medium).