1 2nd Regional Meeting Seville, October 16th 2007 Project supported by the European Commission Eco - innovation in Regione Lombardia: the state of things Giuseppe Rotondaro Regione Lombardia Environmental Protection Department Deputy General Manager
2 The Platform of the Lombardia Region – ECREINetwork Project Regional System - Arpa Lombardia -Regional Agency for Environmental Protection Lombardia - Cestec s.p.a. - Finlombarda S.p.A Chambers of Commerce - Unioncamere Lombardia - Chamber of Commerce of Milan - Sustainable Development Network Consortium - Comieco University - Research Centre – Development Network - University of Milan, Bicocca - IUAV, University of Venice - Green Management Institute
3 Inventory of Measures Measures and actions for eco-innovation have been divided into five macro-areas: 1. Environmental management and sustainability 2. Air emissions reduction and clean technologies - transportation and mobility - stationary sources 3. Energy - renewable sources and energy re-use - remote heating system - energy saving 4. Waste: management / treatment 5. Knowledge management - human capital We defined more than 150 Measures
4 Existing measures have also been analyzed on the ground of the following criteria: 1.Stage of the innovative process: Measures focusing on research and demonstration: monitoring, pilot projects, studies and analyses Measures regarding development and export/dissemination into the market 2.Financial/economic instruments 3.Main beneficiary sectors directly involved: SME/production areas Building industry Mobility and Transport Local authorities/institutions Private individuals and other stakeholders 4.Other specifications of the action: Synergies/agreements with various stakeholders Simplification/Regulation Information/Communication Inventory of Measures
5 Evaluation of measures: 1. Knowledge of existing instruments by the Regional Platform members; 2. Knowledge and diffusion of existing instruments among the specific targets (particularly among SMEs); 3. Efficiency of existing instruments to achieve the foreseen environmental objectives; 4. Efficiency of existing instruments to respond to SMEs’ needs; 5. Efficiency of administrative proceedings provided for the access to the existing instruments; 6. Efficiency of the relationships with competent bodies. Inventory of Measures
6 1 - Environmental Management and Sustainability Weaknesses It is vital to motivate and encourage business counseling and transfer of technological expertise. Strong Positive experience of both individual and territorial enterprise on environmental management instruments (EMAS – ISO) but should be fostered, above cluster of SME Positive instruments on simplification, guidelines and support for legislative and regulation changes €Type of Measur e MEASURES Implementation of the Integrated Environmental Authorization (AIA) Experimentation and adoption of flexible mechanisms in implementation of the Kyoto Protocol (Emission Trading) Feasibility of new green financial instruments in the companies that develop clean technologies or to companies that use them in their production processes (Green Fund Project). Experimentation on EMAS Environmental Area Certification, in industrial areas characterized by a large presence of SME Incentives for adoption of Environmental Management Systems in SME (ISO/EMAS); D D R* D D* / € / € >6 M€ R*= Research and Demonstration D*= Development and exportation
7 2 - Air Emission reduction and Clean Technologies Most of the studies promoted by Lombardy Region on specific issues was little know Weaknesses Strong Positive incentives to adopt systems to reduce atmospheric emissions and especially incentives to increase mobility and transport are generally High degree of knowledge about the financial measures for SME, especially for mobility and energy Little information of studies by the SME and the University research sector Complex the procedures and regulations for access to public notices and announcements 30,7 M€ DActions to promote bicycle paths €Type of Measure MEASURES 6,4 M€RResearch and monitoring programs to the quality of the air and control of climate changes Infrastructural programming: for the subway / tramlines and for the railroad lines Notice of Innovative Technologies for Sustainable Logistics of goods in urban settings Actions involving organization and management mobility sustainability, promoting Mobility Management and reducing the environmental impact arising from traffic Actions in the area of transportation and mobility (TPL, anti-particulate devices, etc) To cover management and maintenance of anti-pollution D D D D D M€ 1,2 M€ 1,1 M€ 70 M€ 3,7 M€ R*= Research and Demonstration D*= Development and exportation
8 C - Energy €Type of Measure MEASURES 19,5 M€ (2007) DRemote heating networks Energy conservation Energy recovery from waste products in the farming sector and use of biogas and biomasses Mini – Hydroelectric Contributions to creation of "Solar Photovoltaic" systems in enterprises, public buildings, and private buildings. Contributions to creating "solar heating" systems in enterprises, public buildings, and private buildings. D D D D D 11,5 M€ 34 M€ 7,9 M€ 12,8 M € 8,7 M € R*= Research and Demonstration D*= Development and exportation Weaknesses Strong It’s necessary to implement energy measures, above all for defining new instruments supporting SME, with different avenues for specific production sectors. Positive values have been assigned to different initiatives in supporting eco- efficiency investments to reduce the environmental impact of Production processes
9 4. Waste: Management / Treatment Weaknesses Strong It’s necessary to foster the waste recovery and to reinforce the green market Positive instruments promoted by Government Regional to promote sustainable management of particular categories of waste Type of Measure MEASURES DIncentives for development of innovative systems for management of municipal waste (e.g. computerized ecological islands) DIncentives to production of energy from renewable sources in agriculture RResearch and actions for rehabilitation of the water caused by agricultural nitrates Research on the reduction in environmental impact of agricultural practices Preparation of Guidelines for sustainable management of particular categories of waste Support to promotion and development of recycled material assets (e.g. Remade Project) Promotion of recycling material from waste disposal processes Experimentation on pilot projects relating to recovery of certain types of goods/products (technological waste, electronic waste). R D D D D R*= Research and Demonstration D*= Development and exportation
Knowledge Management - Human Capital Weaknesses Strong Positive synergy was achieved between public and private stakeholders and the partnership agreements resulting Positive role of Government Regional to promote actions of training and guidance to SME It’s necessary to realize an Platform with main Institutional and Economic stakeholders to share and reinforce actions toward sustainability Weakness to Access Environmental Information by different stakeholders (citizens, SME, Universities) Type of Measure MEASURES DDevelopment of infrastructure for Telematic Communication Systems at local authorities RGuidelines for adoption of the regional instructions regarding access to environmental information (Aarhus Convention) DTraining and guidance actions for local authorities as regards rational use of energy, energy conservation, energy management of buildings Research/Analysis as regards: research, innovation and high training; environment and atmospheric pollution; Education and human capital ; foreign trade; Information and training services for enterprises in relation to the environmental standards and technological innovation; R D R*= Research and Demonstration D*= Development and exportation
11 Research and Demonstration There are numerous studies, seminars, conventions and other initiatives that involve different sectors (energy, waste, emissions, ex.). Effective actions for a local dissemination of these initiatives are still lacking. Research promoted by the public administration increases scientific knowledge and supports the definition of technical regulatory documents. On the other hand, the development of research results into new eco-technologies is still poor either in private economic sectors and in the scientific environment. It is necessary to expand the synergies between SMEs and the world of private and public research on the ground of a list of predefined local priorities.
12 Development and Export Incentives to adopt systems to reduce atmospheric emissions and to improve mobility and transport are generally viewed positively, including regulatory provisions where necessary. However, these require additional support and guidance with a strong government strategy. Positive synergy was achieved between public and private stakeholders and the partnership agreements resulting thereof; it is vital to consolidate these agreements to define and promote actions to foster eco-innovation in SMEs. The role of the Regional Government was positive in the creation and support of a common path for SMEs and local authorities. It is vital to encourage business counseling in the choice of eco- innovation as well as technology transfer. The good practice of both private enterprises and public institutions in the field of EMS (EMAS – ISO 14001) should be fostered among clusters of SMEs.
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