Glory to God Antiphon D F#m G A7 D F#m – G – A7 Glory to God in the high-est Bm G A7sus4 A7 And peace to His people on earth DM7G DM7 Lord God heavenly.


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Presentation transcript:

Glory to God Antiphon D F#m G A7 D F#m – G – A7 Glory to God in the high-est Bm G A7sus4 A7 And peace to His people on earth DM7G DM7 Lord God heavenly King Bm G A7 Almighty God and Father DM7 F#m Bm F#m We worship You; we give You thanks. Bm G A7sus4 A7 We praise You for Your glo - - ry (Repeat Antiphon) 1 of 4

DM7 F#m Lord Jesus Christ, Bm F#m The only Son of the Father Bm G A7sus4 A7 Lord God, Lamb of God, DM7 F#m Bm F#m You take away the sins of the world; Bm G A7sus4 A7 Have mercy on us. DM7 G Bm F#m You are seated at the right hand of the Father Bm G A7sus4 A7 Receive our prayer. 2 of 4

D F#m G F# For You alone are the the Holy One Bm G A7 You alone are the Lord D F#m G A7 You alone are the Most High D F#m G A7 Bm F#m Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit G A7 D F#m G A7 In the glory of God the Father D F#m G A7 D F#m – G – A7 Glory to God in the high-est Bm G A7sus4 A7 And peace to His people on earth 3 of 4

D F#m G A7 Bm A – men, Al – le – lu – ia, A – men G A7 D Al – le – lu – ia, Al – le – lu – ia Em A7 D F#m A – men (A – men) Al – le – lu – ia, G A7 D F#m A – men (A – men) Al – le – lu – ia, G A7 D F#m G A – men (A – men) Al – le – lu – ia, A7 D A – men. A - men 4 of 4