WHAT WE DO TOGETHER: as congregations within the Presbyterian Church in Ireland in financing mission in Ireland and the world A good news story about Christian generosity facilitating mission.
2 Corinthians This service you perform not only meets the needs of God’s people, but also produces an outpouring of grateful thanks to God … and many will give glory to God for your loyalty to the gospel of Christ, which you profess, and for your generosity.
Presbyterians do things togetherThe General Assembly The Presbytery The local congregation Every member has a part to play
Presbyterians do things together at different levels: in XXXXXX Congregation in the YYYYY Presbytery in the General Assembly with other churches
Presbyterians do things together through the United Appeal for Mission
What happens to what we give on the offering plate for the General Assembly’s United Appeal for Mission?
In 2014 The General Assembly works through Six Mission Boards which have responsibility for different areas of the church’s mission
The Board of Mission in Ireland The Board of Education The Board of Christian Training The Board of Youth and Children’s Ministry The Board of Social Witness The Board of Mission Overseas
THIS IS WHAT WE DO TOGETHER: as congregations within the Presbyterian Church in Ireland in financing mission in Ireland and the world
2 Corinthians This service you perform not only meets the needs of God’s people, but also produces an outpouring of grateful thanks to God … and many will give glory to God for your loyalty to the gospel of Christ, which you profess, and for your generosity.
We serve Christ together We share in the mission of the church through: our interest our prayers our giving The United Appeal for Mission
It’s a serious challenge The United Appeal for Mission for 2014 is £3,250,500
Each Presbytery has a “Target of Honour” The xxxxx Presbytery target for 2014 is £yyyyyy €yyyyyy
Each congregation has a “Target of Honour” set by the Presbytery
Large congregations are expected to give more Small congregations are expected to give less Everyone is expected to give generously
Our congregation’s “Target of Honour” for 2014 £xxxxx €xxxx In 2013 we gave £yyyyy €yyyyy to the United Appeal
“From everyone to whom much has been given, much will be required; and from the one to whom much more has been entrusted, even more will be required” (Jesus in Luke 12.48) We live in the rich part of the world
AVERAGE ANNUAL INCOME N. Ireland Full time employees £26,514 Private sector = £30,737 Public sector = £23,717
AVERAGE ANNUAL INCOME Republic of Ireland €33,100
Our congregation has XXX families XXX families x £26,514 (€ 33,100) Total income of XXX families £zzzzzzz € zzzzz If average home, has 1.5 earners Total income = £wwww €wwwww
Vast disparities of income in every congregation Not everyone receives the same amount
THE GRACE OF GIVING Be joyful… be generous
2 Corinthians I am not laying down any rules… You know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that you, by his poverty, might become rich.
2 Corinthians 9.7 You should each give, as you have decided, not with regret or out of a sense of duty; for God loves the one who gives gladly.
The General Assembly, while bearing in mind that circumstances vary widely, encourage Presbyterians, in the exercise of their joyful freedom and responsibilities, to consider setting aside in the region of at least 10% of their income (after tax) as a target for their Christian generosity. (2012 Assembly)
Bearing in mind the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ 4 STEPS TO TRANSFORMED GIVING 1. Personal Income 2. Decide on a percentage 3. Calculate the target amount to be given 4. Decide how it is to be distributed
2 Corinthians This service you perform not only meets the needs of God’s people, but also produces an outpouring of grateful thanks to God … and many will give glory to God for your loyalty to the gospel of Christ, which you profess, and for your generosity.
Be a living, contributing part of something bigger than yourself and your congregation.
The United Appeal for Mission is an opportunity for us freely to bring Glory to God through the Mission work which we do together.
Thank you for all the faith, service and generosity which you have shown over many years as together we have faced many challenges and opportunities in the name of our Lord. Rt. Rev. Dr. Rob Craig Moderator of the General Assembly