Google Calendar How to create and embed it into your team page or any website
Enter and click the blue “Sign In” button in the upper right corner.
Enter your Google login to sign in. If you do not have a Google account click the “Create Account” link on the page, and follow the instructions.
Once logged in you will see an icon the upper right corner. The softball icon you see here is mine. To the left you will notice a “9-block” square. Click that.
Clicking the 9-block square will drop down the menu seen here. Notice “Calendar” in row 3 of column 3. Click that.
You can view the calendar by day, month, etc. by clicking on the words at the top right. Notice the word “Create” in red at top left. This is how you create a NEW calendar. You can have more than one.
I have several calendars. You’ll notice that I have 2 colors clicked on the left middle sidebar that read “EHT Angels” in yellow, and “EHT Tornadoes” in blue.
You can see with those colors clicked I can view events for both calendars. There is a drop down arrow next to each calendar. I have selected EHT Tornadoes.
To add an event I click on any date, and a pop-up box appears. Here I have clicked April 11 th.
As you can see I am creating the even “Season Opening Day”, and from the calendar drop down menu I have selected my “EHT Tornadoes Softball” calendar in blue. I will then click “Create Event” link below that to the left.
In the pop-up box I have clicked “Create Event” to add it to the calendar. I can also Edit an event from here.
As you can see the event was added to the calendar, and is highlighted, because I have single clicked on it to open a pop-up box to edit the event.
When I click “Edit Event” I see this page. Here, I can change the time of the event, the location, and even select a different calendar if I have made a mistake adding it to the wrong one. After editing click the RED “Save” button at the top left!
Notice the new event “Season Opening Day” on April 11 th has successfully been added to my calendar.
Now we will select the drop down arrow next to the calendar that you want to embed. I have elected to use “EHT Tornadoes” in blue.
From the menu that appears I will select “Calendar Settings” (3 rd choice down)
This is the page I see after selecting “Calendar Settings”. We are focusing on the embed code in the middle of the page next to the calendar image.
Double click the code in the box to select all of it. See it here highlighted in blue. Copy this code (right click/copy on Windows, or “Command C” on a Mac)
Almost finished! When you are on your team page click the little gear icon in the upper right corner next to the image.
Click “Social Settings” in the left menu. Then PASTE the code into the box that reads “Embed this calendar code” under the Google Calendar option (Windows right click/paste, “Command V” on a MAC)
Be sure to click the green “Save Settings” button when you’re finished. That’s it! Give it a minute to populate and you’re all set.
A few final notes: All Edits to the calendar must be done from your Google account. The changes will automatically populate in to your embedded calendar on your Team Page. This Calendar will replace your default TEAM PAGE calendar provided by the site. You cannot use both at the same time.