Cognates Quiz On your own paper, write what you think the following cognates mean: 1. diciembre11. activo 2. mapa12. turista 3. tomate13. artista 4. melón14. inteligente 5. animales15. acción 6. diccionario16. agosto 7. falso17. música 8. estudiante18. elefante 9. accidente19. historia 10. autógrafo 20. pingüino
Cognates Quiz Check your answers: 1. diciembre- December11. activo - active 2. mapa - map12. turista - tourist 3. tomate - tomato13. artista - artist 4. melón - melon14. inteligente - intelligent 5. animales- animals15. acción - action 6. diccionario - dictionary16. agosto – august 7. falso - false17. música – music 8. estudiante- student18. elefante – elephant 9. accidente- accident19. historia – history 10. autógrafo - autograph20. pingüino – penguin
What is a COGNATE? Examples: words that are cognates words that are NOT in Spanish and English cognates nouns:profesor/ professor diccionario/dictionary familia/family adjectives:atlético/athletic curioso/curious verbs:adorar/ to adore admirar/ to admire perro/ dog hermano/ brother amigo/ friend bonita/pretty atrevido/ mischievous hablar/ to speak ir/ to go
Definition: Cognate n. a word related to a word in another language [Latin co (same) + gnatus (born)]
Greek Cognates All the following Greek cognates are nouns. Amnesia Anemia Aroma Beta Drama Gas Melodrama
Latin Cognates The following words share common meanings in English and Spanish Atlas Balance Civil Control Debate Escape Noble Simple
Words with an –a ending Arena Extra Idea Lava Pasta Villa Visa
Words with an –able ending Culpable Favorable Implacable Improbable Inevitable Miserable Notable Sociable
Words with an –al ending All the following words are adjective and/or nouns. Animal Capital Decimal Experimental Final General Hospital Ideal
Words with an –ar ending Altar Circular Irregular Lunar Perculiar Perpendicular Regular Similar
Words with an –ible ending Combustible Compatible Flexible Horrible Incompatible Irreversible Reversible
Words with an –or ending All of the following words are adjectives and/or nouns. Auditor Conductor Doctor Exterior Factor Humor Inferior Terror
Spanish words that end in -a, -o or -e very often have an equivalent in English. Simply drop or change the last vowel. aire atleta caso causa costo creativo crédito dieta drama favorito forma
There are many Spanish cognates that end in -ción. The equivalent English word ends in –tion. accióndegeneración administracióndescripción admiracióneliminación animaciónexperimentación aplicacióninformación asociacióninvestigación atenciónorganización celebraciónrepresentación combinacióntransformación concentracióntransportación contaminaciónvegetación creaciónvocación
Words that end in -ary in English very often have a Spanish cognate that ends in -ario. aniversario diccionario disciplinario itinerario literario necesario ordinario vocabulario
English words that end in -ic usually have a Spanish cognate that simply add an -o. Atlántico automático democrático escolástico fantástico gimnástico linguístico optimístico pesimístico romántico sarcástico
Words that in in -dad are quite common in Spanish. They usually correspond to an English word that ends in -ty. All of these words are feminine in gender. autoridad ciudad comunidad dificultad formalidad necesidad prosperidad publicidad universidad velocidad
Spanish words that end in –mente are usually the equivalent of –ly words in English – and usually adverbs. correctamente especialmente exactamente finalmente generalmente moralmente naturalmente obviamente rapidamente
English words than end in –ent often have a cognate in Spanish that ends in –ente. These are usually adjectives but sometimes also nouns. agente cliente diferente equivalente indiferente suficiente
Words than end in –ence or –ance often have a Spanish cognate ending in –encia or -ancia conciencia diferencia distancia experiencia importancia instancia obediencia permanencia tolerancia
Definition: Amigos Falsos (false friends) 1.n. words that look like words in another language, but do not have the same meaning. n. words that sound the same as words in another language, but do not have the same meaning For example, the Spanish word carpeta does not mean carpet in English, instead it means folder.
Un juego de adivinanza (a little guessing game) Guess what the following Spanish words mean: 1.pan = 2.Experiencia = 3.Soportar = 4.Actualmente = 5.Ambicioso = 6.Carpeta = 7.Demostrar = 8.éxito = 9.recordar = 10.Vaso = 11.Prepara r= 12.Pie = 13.Advertencia =
examples of amigos falsos… 1.pan = BREAD 2.Experiencia = experience 3.Soportar = TO PUT UP WITH 4.Actualmente = CURRENTLY 5.Ambicioso = ambitious 6.Carpeta = FOLDER 7.Demostrar = to demonstrate 8.éxito = SUCCESS 9.recordar = TO REMEMBER 10.vaso = GLASS/CUP 11.Preparar = to prepare 12.Pie = FOOT 13.Advertencia = WARNING
Be careful with the following words! Spanish WordEnglish TranslationEnglish wordSpanish Translation ACTUALCurrent, present-dayACTUALReal, efectivo ASISTIRTo attendASSIST ayudar CARPETAfolderCARPETalfombra CASUALIDADcoincidenceCASUALITYvictima COLEGIOHigh schoolCOLLEGEuniversidad CONTESTARTo answerCONTEST (v.)contender DELITOcrimeDELIGHTdelicia DISGUSTOAnnoyance, worryDISGUSTasco EMBARAZADApregnantEMBARRASSEDAvergonzado(a) ESTIMADOesteemedESTIMATEestimación ÉXITOSuccessEXITsalida LARGOlongLARGEgrande
Continue… plus more! Spanish WordEnglish TranslationEnglish wordSpanish Translation LECTURAreadingLECTUREconferencia LIBRERÍAbookstoreLIBRARY biblioteca PARADAstopPARADEdesfile PARIENTErelativePARENTpadre REALIZARTo come trueREALIZEDarse cuenta RECORDARTo rememberRECORDgrabar ROPAclothesROPEcuerda SANOhealthySANEcuerdo SOPAsoupSOAPjabón SOPORTARtolerateSUPPORTapoyar SUCESOeventSUCCESSéxito ÚLTIMAMENTErecentlyULTIMATELYAl final
Pronunciation through music FLUENCY
Independent Practice: (stop at second 41)