Economic impact assessment for Aujeszky ’ s disease outbreaks Introduction This study was conducted to evaluate the economic impact Of ADV infection in pig farms. Initial production losses due to introduction of Aujeszky’s disease virus(ADV) onto a swine farm can be severe and a piggery can suffer significant economic losses caused by increased sucking pig mortality, increased frequency of stillbirths, abortions and sow infertility. Byeong-Yong Lee, Choi-Kyu Park, Eune-Sub Lee, Jin-Kyoung Ha, Sang-Jin Lee, Sung-Hwang Wee National Veterinary and Quarantine Service, , Anyang, Korea Materials and Methods Data on ADV outbreaks in Korea (prevalence, control costs etc). Economic assessment used partial budgeting analysis of specific factors in the farm. Various previously published methods were modified and supplemented to evaluate the economic impact of farms classified in 3 stages (breeding, grower, finisher). Results 2. The loss related factors influenced directly by AD 3. Calculation of losses costs Calculation of increase in mortality rate - Gross return(A) : slaughter weight ⅹ price per Kg - Feed costs(B) : feed conversion rate ⅹ weight gain ⅹ feed price per Kg (when a pig dies halfway : 63% of the feed intake is saved) ⇒ Loss of the death of one pig = A-0.63(B) Calculation of delay in growth rate - Feed conversion increases → feed consumption increases ⇒ Increased feed conversion rate ⅹ weight gain ⅹ feed price per Kg 1. Aujeszky’s disease outbreaks situation Herd size: Sow 100 heads, grower 290 heads, finisher 412 heads - Breeding stage : reduced 0.52 pigs born alive per litter, preweaning mortality rate 8% - Growing stage : mortality rate 5%, feed conversion rate Finishing stage : mortality rate 2%, feed conversion rate 0.17 Total costs 30,113,000 won Economic losses of typical breeding pig farm in 100 heads Herd size: sow 1,200 heads, grower 1,000 heads, finisher 2,500 heads - Breeding stage : reduced 2.5 pigs born alive per litter - Groweing stage : mortality 5% - Finishing stage : mortality 2%, increase of 15 days in raised period Total costs 218,785,000 won Economic losses of breeding pig farm with 1,200 heads in Gimhae region Conclusion Control costs and economic losses can be reduced through implementation of early and effective control measures. We have presented a criteria to conduct an economic assessment. This economic impact assessment model can be effectively applied to other major animal infectious diseases such as PED and PRRS. 4. Calculation of economic losses using our simulation model 5. Calculation of economic costs and control costs Economic costs calculation based upon outbreak region - positive heads per year ⅹ losses per sow (258,042 won) Classification Positive heads 6,5201, Economic Losses (thousand won) 1,682,433312,23051,35015,4822,322 Control Costs (thousand won) 1,122,884262,034143,41974,0819,180 Table 1. The result of in Gimhae region Table 2. The result in Iksan region Classification Positive heads 2,9433,539 Economic Losses (thousand won) 759,417913,211 Control costs (thousand won) 422,526619,264 Control costs calculation based upon outbreak region - cost of vaccination, cost of slaughter (culling) Fig 1. AD outbreaks for the period 1987~May 2006 in Korea Prouduction stagesImpact factorImpact extent Breeding stage (farrowing - Sucking) farrowing turnover/ farrowing rate reduced pigs born alive per litter pre-weaning mortality increased mortality Growing stage (5 - 20kg) Finishing stage (20kg – slaughter) reduction (delay) in grow rate increased feed conversion → increased feed consumption decreased average dairy gain → delay in raised period mortality increased mortality Fig 2. The comparison of the control costs with economic losses - C - C osts were high in the Iksan region at the beginning of 2001, but was low the next year, while in Gimhae region, the costs were high in 2005 compared to 2004