Effects of Alcohol Barney and Homer go to Moe’s. They each have 5 pints of Duff. What short term effects does alcohol have on each of them? For example loss of balance.
Short term effects of alcohol The short term effects of alcohol include; Sleepiness and bad judgment Poor balance Poor muscle control Blurred vision Slurred speech
To Copy: Alcohol is a DRUG because it affects the ORNVESU ETSSYM (unscramble)
Alcohol is a (select one from the list below) Stimulant Depressant Hallucinogen Tranquilliser
Alcohol Abuse Can cause serious health problems. It damages nerve cells (the brain). It damages liver cells. Can cause stomach ulcers. Can affect unborn babies, their growth and their liver.
Cirrhosis of the Liver
Liver Damage Many Alcoholics die of CIRRHOSIS of the liver. This is due to permanent damage to liver cells. The liver helps to get rid of toxins from the body.
What happens when alcohol affects the brain? Behaviour is affected. Self control is reduced. Drinker has poor judgement. Reaction rates are slowed. This affects driving and increases the risk of someone having an accident.
Match Game Short Term effects Long Term effects Sleepiness Poor Balance Slurred speech Liver Cirrhosis Damage to cells in the brain.
The Legal Limit The UK legal limit for drivers is 80 mg of alcohol per 100 ml of blood, often referred to as a BAC or blood-alcohol concentration.
500 ml is just over a pint 125 ml is a small wineglass 25 ml is a single measure
Cheap booze? ml Extra strong = 96 units for £16 = 17p per unit = 4 days of 24/7 liver processing = 6 months recommended intake
Meanwhile back at the mortuary 1992 death rates begin to rise Male alcohol-related death rates by age-group in to 74 age group after 20 years of cheap booze 35 to 54 age group following in father’s footsteps
The problems of heavy drinking Write an article explaining to the general public how to much alcohol can effect the body. CELEBRITY NEWS AND GOSSIPWORLD EXCLUSIVES THE SUN SHINE
True or False The liver takes 1 hour to break down 1 unit of alcohol
True or False If you abuse alcohol you are an alcoholic