AMDM Advanced Mathematical Decision Making
Alpharetta High School Mrs. Davis Room 4316
DID YOU KNOW… There is a ratio that measures beauty? Changing the size of your tire makes your speedometer read incorrectly? UPC codes have a check digit to make sure they are entered correctly?
COURSE EXPECTATIONS Work collaboratively to learn HOW the math works Students take personal responsibility for gaining knowledge It’s the process not the answer!
EXPECTATIONS FOR STUDENTS All students will actively participate in class. All students will present work to class. All students will present work that reflects their best abilities. All students will be responsible to complete any outside work. All students will be challenged. All students will experience successful problem solving.
WHAT PARENTS CAN EXPECT Frustrated Students MAJOR Projects Fewer Tests Students Prepared for College Level Work!
Grading Major Assessments40% Minor Assessments20% Classwork25% Final Exam15%
Extra Help Wednesdays and Thursdays 3:45 to 4:30 Any other day before or after school by appointment Academic Study (RISE) Mandatory for students below a 75 One session per week until grade improves With teacher or during lunch in 5104
Sample Task Analyzing Numerical Data: Estimating Large Numbers I.A Student Activity Sheet 2: Filling Your Classroom with Tennis Balls Activity Sheet 2 1. Consider the situation of determining the number of tennis balls needed to fill your classroom. With a partner or small group, take 5 minutes and make an estimate of thenumber of tennis balls required to fill the room. Do you think your estimate is too small or too large? Why? 2. Using the materials provided, make a third estimate. This time, find a lower bound and upper bound for the number of tennis balls you think it would take to fill your classroom. Draw sketches as needed. 3. REFLECTION: In determining your group’s estimate, what mathematical model of a tennis ball did you use? What model of the classroom did you use? Did you make other simplifications or assumptions (for example, assuming there are no desks in the room)?
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