Monday, October 17 Do Now: SSR- 15 Homework: Objective: I can identify and use text features to make my writing more organized and easier to understand. Today you will need: My Life in Dog Years
19: Are Proof: are = were Example: (were) Are you going to Dallas?
20: Then Proof: then = when (now, later) Example: (when) We left right then.
Sacred Writing Tell me how to write a personal narrative. Use “then” and its proof at least 3 times.
DOL by the 1820s the average American were drinking 7 gallons of pure alcohol every year
DOL By the 1820’s, the average American was drinking seven gallons of pure alcohol every year.
Motivational Monday JUST KIDDING :-)
My Life in Dog Years Vocabulary Emaciated Precarious Unabashedly Welter Precarious Rogues Prevalent Compelled Jauntily Deduced Misgivings
My Life in Dog Years We will be reading this novel together. 3 chapters a day. Focus on author’s purpose and main idea. What connections can you make? Today : Cookie, Snowball, and Ike
Think about this…. Why is Gary Paulson a “dog person?” How did Gary survive in the chapter Cookie? (Give 3 things) Why was it dangerous to walk around the beaver lodge? What stood out most to Paulson about Snowball? What was the most painful aspect of Paulson’s life in the Phillipines? Why is Ike Paulson’s “partner?”
Tuesday, October 18 Do Now: SSR Homework: ✓ Vocabulary Word Study (Quiz on January 15) Objective: I can identify and use text features to make my writing more organized and easier to understand. Today you will need:
21: Than Proof: than = more than Example: (more than) She is taller than I am.
22: A Lot Proof: a lot = a whole lot Example: (a whole lot) There was a lot of food at the party.
Sacred Writing Write about your FAVORITE thing in the whole world. Use “a lot” and its proof at least 3 times.
DOL in 1835 Oberlin College becomed the first college to admit woman
DOL In 1835, Oberlin College became the first college to admit women.
Tricky Tuesday TRY TO STUMP MRS. MILLER :-)
My Life in Dog Years We will be reading this novel together. 3 chapters a day. Focus on author’s purpose and main idea. What connections can you make? Today : Dirk, Rex, and Caesar
Think about this…. How did Paulson get by without parents? What is special about Rex’s actions? Why is Rex a good farm dog? What was Paulson’s last memory with Caesar? What is the juxtaposition of this with the rest of the chapter?
Wednesday, October 19 Do Now: SSR Homework: ✓ Vocabulary Word Study (Quiz on January 15) Objective: I can identify and use text features to make my writing more organized and easier to understand. Today you will need:
23: Already Proof: already = soon Example: (soon) The cat already had her kittens.
Sacred Writing Write about a time when you did something ahead of schedule. Use “already” and its proof at least 3 times.
DOL nat Turner, a slave and preacher, lead a slave revolt in 1831; beside the 60 owners, 20 slaves also dyed the Mexican-american war ended in 1848, and America gains 525,000 square miles of territory from mexico
DOL nat Turner, a slave and preacher, lead a slave revolt in 1831; beside the 60 owners, 20 slaves also dyed the Mexican-american war ended in 1848, and America gains 525,000 square miles of territory from mexico
Wicked Word Wednesday Hooray!! You get your list for another week!!! Work on vocabulary cards for about 10 minutes :-)
My Life in Dog Years We will be reading this novel together. 3 chapters a day. Focus on author’s purpose and main idea. What connections can you make? Today : Fred and Pig, Quincy, Josh
Think about this…. What was Fred’s most memorable quality? How does Paulson treat the family pig? Is this true to his character? Why? Was Quincy a good sled dog? What was surprising about Quincy? How did Quincy survive the bear attack? How does this novel show Paulson’s growth and life changes? Is there a progression? What lessons did he learn?
Thursday, October 20 Do Now: SSR Homework: ✓ Vocabulary Word Study (Quiz on January 15) Objective: I can identify and use text features to make my writing more organized and easier to understand. Today you will need:
24: All Ready Proof: all ready = not ready Example: (not ready) The class is all ready for vacation.
Sacred Writing FREE WRITE FRIDAY! Use “all ready” and its proof at least 3 times.
DOL early in the Civil War, African-Americans from the North tried too enlist, however, the Union army rejects them
DOL early in the Civil War, African-Americans from the North tried too enlist, however, the Union army rejects them
Tipster Thursday Text evidence is not an opinion. It is not your own words. Text evidence is...wait for it….TEXT FROM THE NOVEL! Please include quotation marks and page numbers!!!!
MLIDY Test Do your best. You may use your book. READ YOUR QUESTIONS CAREFULLY! Short answer needs to be written in your test booklet.