Freud’s Stages of Psychosexual Development
Analysis of his patients’ histories convinced Freud that personality forms during life’s 1 st few years. Children pass through a series of psychosexual stages, during which the ID’s pleasure-seeking energies focus on distinct pleasure-sensitive areas of body~erogenous zones.
Oral Stage – (Birth to 18 mos.) The first stage of psychosexual development in which the mouth is the focus of pleasure seeking activity. Sucking, mouthing objects…. *Fixation = excessive enjoyment of food, gum, smoking, chewing
Anal Stage - (18-36 mos. ) Second stage of psychosexual development, during which the focus of pleasure is the anus and conflict often occurs This is usually when efforts are made to potty train the child *Fixation = stinginess, extreme neatness, rigid or compulsive behavior; coping with demands for control “Anal Retentive”
Phallic Stage- (3 – 6 yrs.) The third stage of psychosexual development, in which the genital organs become the focus of pleasure-seeking behavior. Exploration of own bodies. Forbidden by adults. Romantic feelings for opposite sex parent. *Fixation=guilt feelings; coping with incestuous sexual feelings
Oedipal Complex OCCURS DURING PHALLIC STAGE Process that occurs during the Phallic Stage in which a boy wishes to possess his mother sexually and feels hostility towards his father.
Electra Complex OCCURS DURING PHALLIC STAGE Process that occurs during the Phallic Stage in which a girl wishes to possess her father sexually and feels hostility toward her mother. Penis envy
Kids eventually cope with the threatening feelings by repressing them & by identifying with (trying to become like) the rival parent. Through this identification process, children’s superegos gain strength as they incorporate many of their parents’ values.
Latency Stage (6 to puberty) Stage of psychosexual development that extends from about age 6 until the onset of puberty and is characterized by low levels of sexual interest;Dormant sexual feelings *NO FIXATION!
Genital Stage (Puberty on) Stage of psychosexual development that begins at puberty and usually leads to normal adult sexual development; Maturation of sexual interests *Fixation=inability to progress to unselfish/romantic love