English-Speaking Countries. Have a look at the blackboard. You see different flags. The 1 st team must put cards with the names of the countries and the.


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Presentation transcript:

English-Speaking Countries

Have a look at the blackboard. You see different flags. The 1 st team must put cards with the names of the countries and the 2d team must put the names of capitals. United Kingdom New Zealand United States Australia Canada Canberra Ottawa Washington D.C. Wellington London

The 2 d game: “Countries and Citizens” Look at the map and finish the statements. 1. She lives in the USA, she is _________________. 2. He is from Australia, he is __________________. 3. He is from Canada, he is ___________________. 4. She lives in Great Britain, she is _____________. 5. She lives in New Zealand, she is ________________.

The 3 d game: “Famous People and Famous Places” Do you know anything about English writers and poets? Speak about one. 2. Who is called by the British people "Our national bard", "The bard of Avon"? 3. Who is considered to be the national poet of Scotland? 4. What was B. Britten? 5. Where does Royal Shakespeare Company perform? 6. Who is the national hero of Britain, the defender of the poor? 7. What is the London home of the Queen? 8. What was the first most terrible prison in Great Britain? 9. Who was the first woman Prime Minister of Great Britain? 10. What events come to your mind when you look at the map of Great Britain and see the following place-names: Edinburgh, Alderborough, Langollen, Liverpool? 11. Where is the Poets' Corner?

The 4 th game: “Riddle countries” Guess the names of these countries. The winner will be the team that gives the right answer and does it quicker than the other team.  This is one of the largest countries of the world. It is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the east and by the Pacific Ocean in the west. What is it?  This country has a very high living standard. People speak many languages there. The main symbol on the flag is a maple leaf. What is it?  It is a country which looks like an island. It’s not very big but it’s very beautiful. It’s the country of fog and rain. There are a lot of places of interest.  This country occupies a whole continent. It has strange animals and plants. It’s very far from our country.

The 5 th game: “Make the right choice” You know it’s very important to make the right choice in our life. Now you’ll get the beginning of the sentence, you are to choose the right answer. · Scotland is situated in Europe /Britain/ Asia. · What is the name of the city one of whose parts is called the West End? New York/ London/ Canberra. · Great Britain’s is a monarchy /a constitutional monarchy/a republic. · Who spoke these lines: “To be or not to be : that is the question”? Hamlet /King Lear/ Othello.

The 6 th game: “Culture’s expert” 1. What strait separates Great Britain from the continent? 2. Who was the first President of America?) 3. Who was the 42nd President of the USA? 4. Who lives in 10, Downing street in London? 5. What English scientist did an apple fall on his head and helped him to discover a physics law? 6. What was the real name of Mark Twain? 7. The British like to drink their tea with.... What kind of tea do they call Russian tea? 8. Name the king of the rock'n'roll.

The 7 th game: “Give British equivalents of the following words”: 1. elevator 4. truck 2. subway 5. first floor 3. movie

The 8 th game: Match the date with the month and name the British holidays: May or April 26th December Boxing Day 25th December Christmas Day 31st December New Year Day 14th February St. Valentine's Day 31st October Halloween April or May Easter

The 9 game: “English Proverbs and idioms” Give Russian equivalents of the English proverbs: Don't pull my leg. To be on the safe side. To beat the air. From the horse's mouth. Keep your chin up. Every cook praises his own broth. Score twice before you cut once.

The 10 th game: “Parts and the Wholes” Combine these parts so as to get a name. Who will be the first? · San Britain · Great Zealand · New Francisco · John Starr · Ringo Harrison · George McCartney · Paul Lennon