Thematic Area 3: Improving Learning 26 February 2013
Group members: 18 Participants ( India, Khazastan, Cambodia, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Tonga, China etc) Note taker: Marina Oro Raporter : Sumarno (Indonesia)
Specifically (promising practices, lessons and advice): Use of assessment results to improve policy and student learning Support to teachers and for teaching to improve learning outcomes, especially in disadvantaged areas an/or low performing schools
Kazakhstan: Limitation of current assessment system Not able to assess learning skills Not able to gauge student’s preparedness for tertiary education China: Going beyond academics Assessment model also includes measuring psychological well-being and character of students
India – Pratham (NGO) Concept of QUALITY should be based on local context; assessment tools should be aligned to local needs Leverage on partnerships with other stakeholders to improve learning outcomes Teachers should use appropriate interventions based on assessment results Government of India has formulated 5 year plans based on based on ASER’s work State governments also considering policy changes
Indonesia National assessment results used for policy decisions Classroom assessments used to improve student learning Government sets the standard for quality, which is then used as an indicator to create the assessment
Malaysia Literacy and numeracy screening for years 1-3 Learning support provided for those who need remediation Assessment results revealed lack in student’s ability to think critically Policy to include higher-order thinking questions into national assessments
Thailand Use of national tests to rewrite policies and to improve learning outcomes E.g. Re-writing of the curriculum to infuse literacy, numeracy and reasoning skills into subject areas
Cambodia Assessment results used in developing textbooks and improving teaching methods Assessment results used to reward teachers and schools
Indonesia Pre-service training Strengthen teacher training institutes In-service training: Develop professional development programmes Encourage lifelong learning Empowering teachers: Every teacher a leader
Tonga Provide human resources such as curriculum writers and school- based management consultants to support underperforming schools Collect best practices from schools to share with others
Thailand Due to widespread practice of multi-grade teaching, additional resources such as guidelines, unit plans and lesson plans are made available to teachers Education Service Area supervisors are trained to cascade training and conduct monitoring activities in schools and classrooms Selection of principals based on their “leadership for learning” rather than just “leadership for administration”
Quality;standard;Literacy;early reading assessment; early grade mathemathics;student learning outcomes (literacy, reasoning ability, numeracy);disadvanted areas;under performing school ;compulsary of basic education; curriculum (relevant to the needs of the society, inclusive to all learners, balance between global and local needs); pedagogy (quality of teaching); school efficiency; assesement; classroom assesement based on curriculum standard; portofolio;national test;evidence based;school awards for teacher and learner;teacher qualification and certification; partnership; rewards system;school leaders