All You Need to Know About Community College Terms, Options, and Overview of Orange County Campuses
Why Community College? Good fall-back plan Not sure what you want to study Career oriented degrees Better chance of getting into college of choice Save money Cal State University$6,633 University of California$13,200 Independent/Private$32,000 Community College$1,104
Registration Process Apply for admission SAC: Now – October 27 OCC & GWC: February IVC: March All other colleges: Late March - April Take English and Math Placement Tests SAC: February OCC & GWC: Mid-March; IVC: Late March, early April You can use your Tests for other colleges BUT you have to take the results to the college! Attend New Student Orientation: May - June Register for classes by assigned appointment
Transfer Track Allows you to complete lower division courses before entering a 4-year school Meet with a counselor in the Transfer Center Receive a plan for courses you need: General Education: Math, English, History, etc. Major Prep: Prerequisites to prepare for major Electives: Extra courses to meet unit requirements
Santa Ana College Student Population: 29,318 Learning Opportunities: AA/AS Degrees Certificate Programs Transfer Areas of Study Tuition & Fees: $1,104 Services Mascot:
Orange Coast College Student Population: 24,424 Learning Opportunities: AA/AS & Transfer Plans Study Abroad: France, Italy, China Career & Certificate Programs Areas of Study Tuition & Fees: $1,104 Services Mascot: Pirate Pete
Irvine Valley College Student Population: 14,819 Advanced Learning Opportunities: AA/AS & Transfer Degrees Study Abroad: Spain, Peru, England Career & Certificate Programs Academic Programs Tuition & Fees: $1,104 Student Services Mascot:
Golden West College Student Population: 17,773 Advanced Learning Opportunities: AA/AS & Transfer Study Abroad: Ecuador, London, Beijing Career & Technical Education Areas of Study Tuition & Fees: $1,104 Services Mascot: Rustler
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