So you want to go to college? Stacey Sowell, Director of Admissions and Recruitment
Graduation Statistics in NC 83.9% of students in NC graduate in four years (2014) This is a 15.6% increase since 2006 Graduation requirements have been steadily increasing in the last 20 years Female students graduated at a slight advantage (7%)
College attainment About 3.3 million students will graduate In % of all graduates enrolled in college 12.6 million students are expected to attend college full time Traditional college age population rose to 31.5 million in 2013 Black and Hispanic enrollment rates increased to 14.7% (3% increase)
Types of Colleges and University Admissions Highly selective: These colleges admit fewer than 25% of their applicants (Harvard, Stanford, Yale) Selective: Colleges that admit more than 25% of their applicants (ECU, Michigan State) Least selective: Colleges that admit the majority of their applicants (ECSU, Queens University)
What are they looking for? Academic rigor Grade Point Average ACT/SAT scores (some selective colleges are test optional) Community Service Leadership Social Responsibility Recommendations and Essay
Types of Admissions Early decision Regular Deferred Rolling
What matters to colleges? Likelihood to persist Indicators: performing at or above threshold Predictors: strongly correlated with outcomes Other: skills identified as important
What to do if I don’t get into my top choice? Research colleges with rolling admission Sign up for redirect lists on CFNC Apply to less selective institutions Consider junior college or community college
Community/Junior College and Transferring Be sure you’re on a track that will give you the most credits eligible to transfer Speak to the Registrar or Admissions personnel at the college/university where you desire to transfer Grades matter! Be smart with financial aid Be informed about deadlines and adhere to them
Senior Year Visit your selected College/University Maintain admissions standards Complete any remaining financial documents (verification, etc.) Attend orientation/take placement exams Reach out to classmates on social media Register for classes Have fun!