Leadership and the RCP Having a Professional Voice Jhaymie L Cappiello MS RRT-ACCS RCP
Objectives Define and identify Leadership Describe Leadership Theories and Styles Discuss the application and benefits of leadership skills Discuss leadership as a source of growth
“ There are almost as many different definitions of leadership as there are people who have tried to define it” Stogdill
Leadership -Involves Common Goals -Involves Influence -Is a Process
Leadership Theories Great Man Trait Behavioral Contingency Transactional/Exchange Transformational
Leadership Styles Participative Authoritarian Laissez-Faire Transformational Servant
Leadership Considerations Leadership Positions –Formal (Assigned), Informal (Emergent) Power –Referent, Expert, Legitimate, Reward, Coercive Authority –Traditional, Charismatic, Legal
Leadership Identification Vision – produce/inspire goal directed activities – Communicates positive outlook – Contagiously excited about the future
Management Leadership MANAGEMENT – the process of working with and through others to accomplish organizational goals. LEADERSHIP – is any time one influences the behavior of another person or group.
Leadership Identification and popular opinion
What does Leadership have to do with the RCP New Members Service initiatives Growth and Development Interdisciplinary Relationships Professional Organization Engagement
Benefits of Leadership Skills Provides vision and direction Brings clarity Affords confidence Stretches our thinking Improves our skills Expands our view by creating experiences Raises our self-image Increases Teamwork
Kouzes and Posners’ Five Leadership Practices from The Leadership Challenge 1.Inspires a Shared Vision envision the future and enlighten others. 2. Challenges the Process search for opportunities for improvement and experimenting. 3. Enables Others to Act strengthening their skills and fostering collaboration. 4. Models the Way setting an example and planning for small wins. 5. Encourages the Heart recognize contributions and celebrate accomplishments.
Inspire a Shared Vision
Challenge The Process
Enable Others to Act
Model The Way
Encourage The Heart