IEEE CS SAB, Feb 2007 JWM - SC7 Liaison Report 1 SAB Agenda Item 4.3a IEEE Computer Society Category A Liaison to JTC 1/SC 7 Jim Moore Prepared for IEEE CS SAB Feb 2007 (Revision 1)
IEEE CS SAB, Feb 2007 JWM - SC7 Liaison Report 2 Why Do We Do This? Throughout the Computer Society, we are undertaking efforts to make the Society to “go to” place for software engineering. One of our strengths is the standards collection of the Software and Systems Engineering Standards Committee (S2ESC). One of our weaknesses is the extent of inconsistency between these standards and international standards (from ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7) on the same subject. This handicaps the global appeal of our standards. We have undertaken a program to make the two collections completely consistent. We use several methods: –Sometimes SC 7 adopts an IEEE standard. –Sometimes IEEE adopts an SC 7 standard. –Sometimes we merge our respective standards. –Sometimes we perform “coordinated development” of a new standard or a revision.
IEEE CS SAB, Feb 2007 JWM - SC7 Liaison Report 3 Successes (1 of 2) IEEE has adopted SC7 standards –1462 (was ISO/IEC 14102), CASE Tool Evaluation and Selection [SC 7 is revising] –1465 (was ISO/IEC 12119), SW Package Quality [adoption of revision is planned] – (was ISO/IEC 12207), SW LC Processes [coordinated revision underway] – (was ISO/IEC ), Functional Size Measurement [SC 7 is preparing a Corrigendum] –15288, System Life Cycle Processes [coordinated revision underway]
IEEE CS SAB, Feb 2007 JWM - SC7 Liaison Report 4 Successes (2 of 2) SC7 has adopted IEEE standards –16085 (was IEEE 1540), Risk Management Process –19759, SWEBOK Guide –23026 (was IEEE 2001), Web Site Practices –25961 (was IEEE 1471), Architecture Description [Awaiting publication; coordinated revision underway] –26702 (was IEEE 1220), Systems Engineering Process [Awaiting publication; coordinated revision anticipated] We have jointly revised one shared standard –16085, Risk Management Process [Revision published by ISO/IEC; awaiting IEEE publication.] Some standards have been merged –14764 (with IEEE 1219), SW Maintenance [Both ISO and IEEE have published.] 2006
IEEE CS SAB, Feb 2007 JWM - SC7 Liaison Report 5 New Projects underway in IEEE Adopt ISO/IEC to replace IEEE Adopt ISO/IEC and to provide a shared basis for work on IT Services and Management. Consider adoption (possibly with exceptions) of ISO/IEC 25051, COTS Product Quality.
IEEE CS SAB, Feb 2007 JWM - SC7 Liaison Report 6 A Notable Project: Shared vocabulary for software and systems engineering. IEEE contributed IEEE Std SC 7 contributed some vocabulary aggregations. IEEE CS is developing and hosting a database application with web access. SC 7/WG 22 will maintain the database. SC 7/WG 22 will facilitate the reduction of alternative definitions. Occasional snapshots will be published as ISO/IEC and IEEE Contacts: Annette Reilly, Seema Gupta, Jim Moore
IEEE CS SAB, Feb 2007 JWM - SC7 Liaison Report 7 A Notable Project: Planned ISO/IEC 24773, an international framework for software engineering certifications CSDP and CSDA would be positioned as conforming examples. SC 7 / WG 20 Contacts: Steve Seidman, Jim Moore
IEEE CS SAB, Feb 2007 JWM - SC7 Liaison Report 8 Notable Projects: and Guidance in explaining how to use software and systems engineering standards to accomplish the goals of ISO 9001 IEEE is adopting (software) IEEE will probably adopt (systems) SC 7 / WG 23 Contacts: Scott Duncan, Jim Moore
IEEE CS SAB, Feb 2007 JWM - SC7 Liaison Report 9 A Notable (Planned) Project BSI will contribute their two standards on testing. IEEE will contribute 829 and A new four-part standard will be created at the international level. –Compatible with international (and IEEE) systems and software processes –Compatible with international (and IEEE) documentation standards –Compatible with IEEE CS SWEBOK Guide –Covering a larger scope than the current standards Contacts: Jim Moore
IEEE CS SAB, Feb 2007 JWM - SC7 Liaison Report 10 Status: Terminology and Concepts WGProjectStatusIEEE CS Interests WG , VocabularyIEEE has contributed its vocabulary standard, IEEE is hosting database and public access. WG has published OpsCon. (Annette Reilly) A publicly available vocabulary that is broadly useful. WG20Potential Project, SE Handbook Awaiting NP for SC7 to adopt INCOSE SE Handbook Relationship to software engineering body of knowledge, ISO/IEC TR WG , Framework for SWE Certification WD circulated for comment(Steve Seidman) The IEEE CS CSDP certification could be a conforming instance.
IEEE CS SAB, Feb 2007 JWM - SC7 Liaison Report 11 Status: Quality Management WGProjectStatusIEEE CS Interests NA90003, Guidance for ISO 9001 with SW IEEE is adopting. Balloting may begin in Add value with annex describing relationship to IEEE standards. WG , Guidance for ISO 9001 with Systems DTR ballot.It should align with revised IEEE will be interested in adoption when the project is completed.
IEEE CS SAB, Feb 2007 JWM - SC7 Liaison Report 12 Status: New Areas of Work WGProjectStatusIEEE CS Interests WG , Architectural Description IEEE 1471 has been approved in fast-track. Coordinated revision will begin. (David Emery, Rich Hilliard, Mark Maier) Harmonize with LC processes of and Provide easy migration for current 1471 users. WG7 ??? Potential, SW/Sys V & V Processes IEEE is revising Std 1012 to cover System and SW V&V and is interested in SC7 uptake. (Laura Pulliam, Ken Costello) Extending 1012 to systems in a manner harmonized with and NAPotential Project, Testing BSI (with IEEE input) is drafting an NP. Reconcile conflicting IEEE and BSI standards. Harmonize with processes of and
IEEE CS SAB, Feb 2007 JWM - SC7 Liaison Report 13 Status: Product Quality WGProjectStatusIEEE CS Interests WG625051, COTS Product Quality Recently published as a revision of (Pieter Botman, Anatol Kark) IEEE will consider adopting as a replacement for its 1465 (an adoption of 12119). WG625xxx, SQUARE Model IEEE CS is participating in a study group. (Jim Moore) Create useful connections between product quality model of WG6 and LC processes of WG7.
IEEE CS SAB, Feb 2007 JWM - SC7 Liaison Report 14 Status: Life Cycle Processes (1 of 2) WGProjectStatusIEEE CS Interests WG24SWLC for VSENP is approved. Lots of interest from developing nations. (Claude Laporte, Melvin Perez) Usability with IEEE professional development materials. WG712207, 15288, Life Cycle Processes & Model and are in CD ballot follows, one stage behind. (Jim Moore, Anatol Kark, Cheryl Jones) Backward compatibility for current users of and WG726702, System Engineering Process IEEE 1220 has been approved in fast-track. Coordinated revision will begin. (Terry Doran) Migration path for current users of 1220.
IEEE CS SAB, Feb 2007 JWM - SC7 Liaison Report 15 Status: Life Cycle Processes (2 of 2) WGProjectStatusIEEE CS Interests WG714764, Software Maintenance Merger of IEEE 1219 with TR Both ISO and IEEE have published the result. (Tom Pigoski, Paul Croll) WG715939, Measurement Process In FCD ballot.(Cheryl Jones) IEEE plans to adopt the result. WG716085, Risk Management Process ISO/IEC has published. Awaiting IEEE publication. (Bob Charette, Cheryl Jones) Harmonization with LC processes. WG716326, SW/Sys Project Mgmt Process WD merges IEEE 1058 with TR (Mark Henley) Harmonization with LC processes; migration path for current users of Generalization to system level. WG724774, Proc Definition Guide FCD ballot(Jim Moore) Sound basis for process unification among working groups. WG7NP, Requirements Engineering New project approvedIEEE will contribute 830, 1233, 1362.
IEEE CS SAB, Feb 2007 JWM - SC7 Liaison Report 16 Status: Documentation WGProjectStatusIEEE CS Interests WG215289, Life Cycle Data ISO/IEC was published in IEEE plans to adopt. (Annette Reilly) Replace IEEE Std WG226xxx, User Documentation FCD ballot ; IEEE contributed its standard (Annette Reilly) Migration path for current users of 1063.
IEEE CS SAB, Feb 2007 JWM - SC7 Liaison Report 17 Status: Others WGProjectStatusIEEE CS Interests WG , Func Size Measurement DCOR ballot on corrigendum has completed? IEEE provided some comments (Jim Moore) May adopt corrigendum to update current IEEE WG , , IT Services and Management Revision of fast-tracked standards underway. (Terry Doran) IEEE plans to adopt current and
IEEE CS SAB, Feb 2007 JWM - SC7 Liaison Report 18 The State of Harmonization in 1995 TopicStatusRemarks Terminology & ConceptsRedDifferent vocabulary standards Quality managementOrangeISO: Driven down from ISO IEEE: traditional QA approach. TestingOrangeIEEE standards unrelated to SC7 processes. Architecture descriptionHarmlessSC7 didn’t have architecture standards. Product qualityYellowUnrelated standards Life cycle processesRedIncompatible standards Systems engineering processYellowUnrelated standards SW maintenanceRedIncompatible standards MeasurementYellowUnrelated standards Risk managementHarmlessNo standards at all Project managementRedIncompatible standards Verification and validationRedFundamentally different approaches; minor incompatibilities in details Configuration managementRedIncompatible standards SW process assessmentYellowNothing in IEEE. ISO process assessment incompatible with ISO LC. Requirements engineeringOrangeIEEE standards unrelated to SC7 processes SW life cycle dataRedIncompatible standards User documentationRedIncompatible standards CASE toolsYellowMinor incompatibilities NotationsHarmlessDistinct standards for distinct notations InternetHarmlessNo standards IT Services, Management, GovernanceHarmlessNo standards Specialty Engineering (Safety, Security)OrangeUnrelated approaches OthersYellowMany unrelated standards
IEEE CS SAB, Feb 2007 JWM - SC7 Liaison Report 19 The State of Harmonization … Today TopicStatusRemarks Terminology & ConceptsYellowShared BOK, joint vocabulary project, potential certification framework Quality managementYellowIEEE is adopting ISO/IEC approach. TestingOrange Both IEEE and BSI may harmonize with SC7 processes Architecture descriptionGreenSC7 adopted IEEE standard and will harmonize with processes. Product qualityYellowISO/IEC was revised as IEEE may adopt. Life cycle processesGreenBut some loose ends remain Systems engineeringGreenShared SE process standard; harmonization with other LC processes underway SW maintenanceGreenProject to merge IEEE and ISO standards is completed MeasurementYellow IEEE will adopt after its current revision. Some details remain. Risk managementGreenSC7 adopted IEEE standard and is now extending it to the systems level. Project managementYellowNew project to merge the incompatible standards Verification and validationRed Fundamentally different approaches; reconciliation being considered Configuration managementYellowSC7 withdrew its process standard; systems issues remain SW process assessmentYellow Harmonization with LC process standards is underway Requirements engineeringOrange IEEE may harmonize with SC7 processes SW life cycle dataYellow IEEE is adopting to replace User documentationRed Unrelated standards, but IEEE 1063 is being incorporated into new series. CASE toolsYellowMinor incompatibilities NotationsHarmlessDistinct standards for distinct notations InternetGreenShared standard IT Services, Management, GovernanceYellowIEEE may adopt standards Specialty Engineering (Safety, Security)OrangeUnrelated approaches OthersYellowMany unrelated standards