Sra. Williams Back to School Night 2016
Back to School Night 2016 Mrs. Williams Sign in Welcome Course description Course proficiencies Pupil expectations Evaluations, genesis, & class page Contact info. & extra help
Why learn Spanish? Job advancement Travel & study abroad Communicating with relatives, friends, & members of the community Learning more about your ancestry Understand English better Challenge your brain & enrich yourself Appreciating the arts, music, and pop culture Springboard to learn other languages m/watch?v=2ohQiLJo3N E&feature=related m/watch?v=2ohQiLJo3N E&feature=related
Spanish 4H Vocabulario las relaciones personales en la ciudad los medios de comunicación en familia nuestro mundo creencias e ideologías el trabajo y las finanzas la tecnología y la ciencia las diversiones nuestro futuro Gramática the present tense ser and estar gustar and similar verbs the preterite vs. the imperfect the subjunctive in noun clauses object pronouns commands the subjunctive in adjective clauses reflexive verbs por and para the future the conditional relative pronouns the subjunctive in adverbial clauses the past subjunctive comparatives and superlatives the present perfect the present perfect subjunctive uses of se the past perfect the past perfect subjunctive uses of the infinitive the future perfect the conditional perfect si clauses the passive voice negative and affirmative expressions summary of the indicative and the subjunctive Cultura Estados Unidos México El Caribe: Cuba, Puerto Rico y la República Dominicana Centroamérica: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua y Panamá Colombia, Ecuador y Venezuela Chile Bolivia y Paraguay Perú Argentina y Uruguay España
Course Description Prerequisite: Honors Spanish 3; or Spanish 3 with demonstrated mastery ( a 93+) GPA and with teacher recommendation only; demonstrated master on 3H final exam. This is an accelerated and academically challenging course in Spanish. The course is designed for those students interested in pursuing enrollment in the full year Advanced Placement Spanish course. Increased emphasis is placed on acquiring reading and writing skills along with demonstrated proficiency in speaking and listening. Literary selections are infused to increase usage and command of language skills. The rigor and pacing of this class prepares students for the college level stamina, material, engagement, and conversation needed for success at this level.
Course Proficiencies Standard 7.1: Communication Standard 7.2: Culture All students will be able to communicate in at least one world language in addition to English. They will use language to engage in conversation, understand and interpret spoken and written language, present information, concepts, and ideas while making connections with other disciplines, and compare the language/culture studies with their own. All students will demonstrate an understanding of the perspectives of a culture through experiences with its products and practices.
Modes Interpretive: Students understand and interpret within the appropriate cultural context spoken and written communication. Interpersonal: Students engage in direct oral or written communication. Presentational: Students present, through oral and/or written communication, information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers with whom there is no immediate personal contact.
Student Expectations Grading Scheme Requirements & Expectations Arrive on time Be prepared 3-ring binder Assignments must be made up promptly Appropriate behavior Participate
Evaluation Homework – 20% Participation (classwork, behavior, promptness, preparation, active member of class) – 30% Assessments (tests, quizzes, projects) – 50%
Technology Chromebooks Genesis School Wires Google Classroom Remind Class Dojo
Extra Help Semester 1 – Mon. – Fri. by appointment Semester 2 – Mon. – Fri. by appointment 1:45 – 2:15 Room C220 Students may me by 8:00 p.m.
Textbook resources Imagina Online book with resources: Numerous ancillaries: Workbooks Music Videos Audios Tutorials
Contact Information Phone number: (732) 833 – 4700 (please call 1:38 – 2:15 only) Meeting organized through guidance Call guidance (732) 833 – 4700 ext. 7371
¡Mucho gusto en conocerlos y Gracias por venir!