M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Working Group for Chapter 26 – Education and Culture Bilateral screening: Chapter 26 PRESENTATION OF MONTENEGRO Brussels, 16th November 2012
Chapter 26: Education and Culture Youth Policy Poglavlje 25 Nauka i istraživanje Chapter 26: Education and Culture Jelena Miljanić Senior Advisor for Youth Policy Ministry of Education ad Sports M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union
M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union European Comission White Paper – New Impetus for European Youth EU Youth Strategy ( ) (Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on EU Strategy for Youth – Investing and Empowering - A renewed open method of coordination to address youth challenges and opportunities) Youth Pact (Communication from the Commission to the Council on European Policies Concerning Youth - Addressing the Concerns of Young People in Europe – Implementing the European Youth Pact and Promoting Active Citizenship) Council Resolution of 27 November 2009 on a renewed framework for European cooperation in the youth field ( ) Council Recommendation of 20 November 2008 on the mobility of young volunteers across the EU Relevant acquis Chapter 26: Education and Culture Chapter 26: Education and Culture
OUTLINE Poglavlje 25 Nauka i istraživanje I INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK II POLICY AND LEGISLATION IIIPLANNED MID-TERM ACTIVITIES Chapter 25: Science and Research M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 26: Education and Culture
M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 26: Education and Culture I INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK Chapter 26: Education and Culture
M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union I 1. Institutional framework – main actors Chapter 26: Education ad Culture 1.Ministry of Education and Sports – public institution in charge for youth policy – develops and implements youth policy and legislation, coordinates cross- sectoral cooperation, local youth policy, cooperation with NGOs, international partners; 2.National Youth Steering Committee – monitors, evaluates and advises for improvement of National Youth Policy, to be redefined through the Law on Youth; 3.Local self governments (secretariats, youth offices) – develop and implement local youth policy; 4.Other relevant governmental institutions (other ministries, agencies, bureaus) – develop and implement sectoral policies related to youth, cooperate with and report to Ministry of Education and Sports; 5.Non-governmental organisations – National and local governments cooperate with civil sector stakeholders - Youth NGOs, NGOs working with young people, National Youth Council; Chapter 26: Education and Culture
M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union I 1. Institutional framework – main actors Chapter 26: Education ad Culture Chapter 26: Education and Culture Government Gov. Institutions Ministry of Education and Sports Local self governments National Youth Council (Youth) NGOsYoung people National Youth Steering Committee
M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Chapter 26: Education and Culture Chapter 26: Education and Culture II POLICY AND LEGISLATION
M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union II 1. Main legal and policy framework National Youth Action Plan – the strategy was developed based on evidence, in a participatory manner – wide consultations, cross-sectorially, covered nine areas (education, employment, participation, health, human rights, family, information and mobility, culture, leisure time) Law on Youth – in the process of creation, to be finalized by the end of 2013 – the law will regulate development and implementation of youth policy on national and local level, institutional framework, youth participation, youth work, youth information, youth organisations, national youth council. New National Youth Strategy – to be developed during 2014 after adoption of Law on Youth and research on needs and situation of young people in Montenegro Local Youth Action Plans – developed and implemented by local self-governments Chapter 26: Education and Culture Chapter 26: Education and Culture
M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union II 3. National Youth Action Plan (NYAP) 2006 – NYAP adopted by government - Developed through a two year participative, evidence based approach, in partnership of government and civil sector National Youth Steering Committee established, with the mandate of monitoring, evaluation and improvement of national youth policy (NYAP) Ministry of Culture, Sports and Media and International Organization for Migration (IOM) started implementation of the project Youth Social Revitalization (YSR) Project YSR aimed at building capacities of national authorities in charge for youth policy, as well as all the other stakeholders, as well as promoting and strengthening youth participation Youth office established in the frameworks of the project YSR, whose staff continues to work after the project and forms a professional, sustainable human resources base for youth policy implementation Continuous work on implementation of annual action plans, information, awareness raising, capacity building, support to youth participation, support to local youth policy development, cross-sectoral cooperation, cooperation with NGOs, funding projects, regional and international cooperation, legal and policy framework 2012 – National Youth Council established, work on Law on Youth started Chapter 26: Education and Culture Chapter 26: Education and Culture
M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union II 3.1. National Youth Policy Timeline Chapter 26: Education and Culture National Youth Action Plan Adopted National Youth Steering Committee established 2006 Project Youth Social Revitalisation Started National Youth office established 2009 Local youth policies Capacity building, networking Youth participation campaign and project Cross - sectoral cooperation development National Youth Council established Law on Youth 2012 Chapter 26: Education and Culture Underlying, continuous activities: Information, Awareness raising, Support to youth participation, Cross- sectoral cooperation, International cooperation Underlying, continuous activities: Information, Awareness raising, Support to youth participation, Cross- sectoral cooperation, International cooperation
M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Annual action plans created in partnership with National Youth Steering Committee, through participatory approach – annual conferences with youth NGOs and other stakeholders, who developed annual action plan priority activities Annual action plan priority activities were financed through annual open calls for projects for NGOs and municipalities Procedures for open calls were developed as to be transparent, fair, clear, quality based, including monitoring Capacity building, networking and information activities were organized for and with NGOs, municipalities and young people Relationship and partnership building (long-term partnerships with all stakeholders, based on mutual respect, trust and common mission) Cross-sectoral cooperation started to be developed, contact points in Ministries and other governmental agencies established Annual reporting on NYAP implementation was developed, with detailed and clear information on all stakeholders` activities presented II 4. NYAP implementation Chapter 26: Education and Culture Chapter 26: Education and Culture
M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union II 4.1. Main instruments of NYAP implementation Chapter 26: Education and Culture Relationship and partnership building Information Capacity building Networking Cross-sectoral cooperation Consultations Partnerships Funding International cooperation Chapter 26: Education and Culture
M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union II 6. Local youth policy Chapter 26: Education and Culture local youth policy plans adopted 12 municipalities working on or having developed local youth policy plans 21 local youth officers 5 Youth offices 5 Youth Councils/Steering Committees on Youth 1 local youth policy plan adopted 6 municipalities working on local youth policy plans 6 local youth officers 0 Youth offices 0 Youth Councils/Steering Committees on Youth Accomplished through: Information provision (media, web, , events), Field visits, Training for Trainers, Round tables on the topics of networking, youth participation, local youth policy; Study visits; Networking of local stakeholders on various levels (local, national, international; municipalities, NGOs, national government, international partners); Funding Local Youth Policy Plans and NGOs projects; Relationship and partnership building (long-term partnerships, based on mutual respect, trust and common mission) Chapter 26: Education and Culture
M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union II 7. Youth participation Chapter 26: Education and Culture Legislation and policies General Law on Education (Off. Gazette, No. 45/11), Law on Local Self-Governments (Off. Gazette, No. 38/12), Law on NGOs (Off. Gazette, No. 39/11), Law on Youth (in process of creation) National Youth Action Plan , Local Youth Action Plans, Strategy of Government Cooperation with NGOs (action plan ) Programs and projects Youth Social Revitalization (youth participation campaign, capacity building, round tables and conferences, youth participation research) Towards sustainable Youth Participation, UNESCO, 2011 (guidebooks on youth participation for decision makers and young people) Funding (sectorial open calls, lottery fund, central governmental fund, local self-governments funds) Dialogue: National Youth Action Plan development, Annual Action Plans development, National Youth Steering Committee membership, Law on Youth Working Group membership, EU Youth Report Consultations Support to establishment of National Youth Council Establishment of Local Youth Councils Youth information conferences, support to YI projects, Campaign Information Right Now E-petitions platform ( Civic education - schools subject Democracy Workshops Project (primary school children learning about democracy, parliament and NGO partnership) Chapter 26: Education and Culture
M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union II 8. Non formal Education Chapter 26: Education and Culture Legislation and policy The Law on National Vocational Qualifications (Off. Gazette, No. 14/2009) National Youth Action Plan Local Youth Action Plans Programs and projects Support to projects of NGOs Project: ``The role of non-formal education and lifelong learning for the key competencies acquisition`` - NFE quality criteria project - to be folowed up Chapter 26: Education and Culture
M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union II 9. Social Inclusion Chapter 26: Education and Culture Legislation and policy Law on Social and Child Protection (Off. Gazette, No. 78/05), Family Law (Off. Gazette No. 07/1), Law on the Prohibition Discrimination against the disabled persons (Off. Gazette, No. 39/11), Law on travel privileges to persons with disabilities (Off. Gazette, No. 80/08), Law against Discrimination (Off. Gazette, No. 46/2010), Law on Education of children with special educational needs (Off. Gazette 45/10) Strategy for Social and Child protection ( ), Strategy for Persons with Disabilities ( ), Strategy for protection against domestic violence ( ), Strategy for Social Inclusion and Children Welfare ( ), Strategy for combating poverty and social exclusion, National Youth Action Plan Programs and projects Master in Youth Work - University of Montenegro and Forum MNE (TEMPUS Project) Standards for youth leaders` vocation adopted, National youth leaders` educational program developed, final accreditations to take place Youth centers role to be reinforced and developed through the forthcoming new national Youth Policy Plan School subject: Civic Education Support to project dealing with prejudices and tolerance Housing policies in the education of young people - subsidized accommodation in campuses Daily care centers for children and young people with disability Transportation discounts for students EURO 26 card Chapter 26: Education and Culture
M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union II 10. Employment Chapter 26: Education and Culture Legislation and policy Law on Employment and Unemployment Insurance (Off. Gazette, No. 14/2010, 45/2012) - (information on the possibilities and conditions of employment, employment mediation, professional orientation, financing salaries of trainees; supporting self-employment, subsidies for self-employment, education and training, vocational rehabilitation for less employable persons, public work, scholarships..) Law on professional rehabilitation and employment of persons with disability (Off. Gazette, No. 49/08) Law on Vocational Training of Persons with Acquired Higher Education Degree (Off. Gazzete No. 38/12) – more than trainees having first work experience, 10 million euro governmental investment National Employment and Human Resources Development Strategy National Strategy for Lifelong Career Orientation Strategy for lifelong entrepreneurial learning National Youth Action Plan Strategy for Development of Human Resources in Tourism Sector Programs ad projects Centers for information and counseling, National Employment Agency Centre for career development 2012, University of MNE and National Employment Agency Projects: ``Internship fair``, `Preparation of student for labor market`, ``Seasonal jobs for young people`` Schools subject in vocational schools: Entrepreneurship and Enterprise practice ECO NET project, project "Student enterprises“ Chapter 26: Education and Culture
M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union II 11. Youth International Volunteering Chapter 26: Education and Culture Legislation and policy Law on voluntary work ("Off. Gazette of Montenegro “, No. 31/10 i 14/12) Regulation on the form of volunteer booklet (Off. Gazette, no. 33/11) and Rulebook on the procedure for keeping records of contracts of volunteer work (Off. Gazette, no. 33/11). Strategy of Voluntary Work Programs and projects Center for vocational education ad NGO ADP ZID prepared Program for education of teachers for implementation of voluntary activities, as well as program for voluntary activities implementation in elementary and high schools Sharing information about volunteering, sharing information about Youth in Action program, sharing SALTO information about all kinds off courses and possibilities for mobility of volunteers Financing projects of NGOs working with volunteers, such as NGO ADP ZID, whose project ''Centre for Volunteers education, information and youth work'' was financed in 2009 Chapter 26: Education and Culture
M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Poglavlje 25 Nauka i istraživanje II 12. Youth in Action Chapter 26: Education and Culture Chapter 26: Education and Culture Based on available data, Montenegro is progressively using the program Still, further activities should be undertaken in order to improve approval rate, based on analysis of reasons for quite high rejection rate, as well as improving cooperation between Ministry and YiA contact point in MNE, underpinned by national cooperation and coordination for Erasmus for All implementation
M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union Poglavlje 25 Nauka i istraživanje II 12.1 Promotion of the YiA program Chapter 26: Education and Culture Chapter 26: Education and Culture NGO ADP – Zid is Contact Point for Youth in Action Program Promotion of EVS on faculties of the three univesities in Montenegro Over 200 registered students for additional consultations about EVS during OPEN DAYS about EVS in Bijelo Polje, Kotor and Podgorica Training about Youth in Action Program for 5 NGOs from Montenegro, with consultation before and after training Need assessment research for organization about Youth in Action program Short presentation of Youth in Action program to 20 NGO Ministry of Education and Sports Promotion through web site Information dissemination to all partners in NGO sector and young people who contact this institution Participation as a partner on several projects
M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union III PLANNED MID-TERM ACTIVITIES Chapter 26: Education and Culture Chapter 26: Education ad Culture
M O N T E N E G R O Negotiating Team for the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union III. 1 Planned Mid-Term Activities/Challenges Chapter 26: Education and Culture Finalisation of the institutional set up Harmonization of national youth policy with the EU acquis (Law on Youth and Youth Strategy) Adopting Law on Youth Evaluating NYAP Research on youth needs and situation – evidence based youth policy Developing new NYAP Improving youth research and cross-sectoral cooperation, through the Law on Youth and new NYAP Boosting and further development in the areas of youth work, youth information, youth participation, non formal education for young people, international volunteering Further development of regional, European and international cooperation Chapter 26: Education and Culture
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