Welcome/Purpose Required Documentation Overview of Expectations (Child & Parent) Attendance Meals Transportation Blankets (Nap Time) “Every Child an Early Reader Initiative” Curriculum Field Trips Student Progress (WSO) Communication Plan Concerns/Questions
Due Immediately- proof of residency and birth In order for your child to maintain their place in the pre-k program, they also need immunization record, EED screening (form3300), and a copy of their social security card. Roster Information Form It is required along with supporting documentation.
We have a 6.5 hour instructional day. The tardy bell rings at 8:15. Dismissal is at 3:15. 2:00 --early office dismissal Students who are absent from school are required to return with a written excuse for their absence.
Good nutrition and learning go hand in hand! Richmond county is pleased to provide breakfast and lunch meals at NO COST to ALL students in our schools (no application is required). All meals, foods, and beverages served or purchased at our schools meet state and federal requirements which are based on the USDA Dietary Guidelines. We provide students with access to a variety of appealing foods that meet the health and nutrition needs of students.USDA Dietary Guidelines
Georgia introduced its latest set of high-quality, research-based early learning standards for children birth to age five called the Georgia Early Learning and Development Standards (GELDS). The GELDS promote quality learning experiences for children and address the question, “What should children from birth to age five know and be able to do?” They are a set of appropriate, attainable standards that are flexible enough to support children’s individual rates of development, approaches to learning, and cultural context. The GELDS are a continuum of skills, behaviors, and concepts that children develop throughout this time of life. They are divided into age groups and serve as a framework for learning.
WSO is our online assessment system to help pre- k teachers monitor student growth. Students are assessed as Not Yet, In Progress, or Proficient on all 69 standards. Family Conferences (2 required annually) We will hold two parent-teacher conferences at the end of the fall and spring semester. You will receive a progress report at that time.
RCSS curriculum aligned to the standards Family Space- Look for the parent login on your child’s newsletter in the upcoming weeks. We will begin our Big Day curriculum Monday, August 22 nd. If you have any questions or need assistance assessing or navigating the Family Space, please let us know.
Our program is engaged in the 1000 Books Before Kindergarten initiative. Please read at home with your student every night. There will be a Reading Log coming home soon to track the books you read.
You will have several opportunities to be a part of your child’s Pre-K experience. Field Trips (Volunteer Card) Celebrations-- Fall, Polar Express, Dr. Seuss Week, Manicures for Moms, Doughnuts for Dads, Etc. End of the Year Celebration Class projects Donations
Daily Schedule Rest Time (Blankets) Shoes Potty Issues (routine) Items needed for school (Label Everything) Green Communication Folders (transportation changes, behavior chart, notes to/from home) Communication Plan
Family Handbook The Pre-K Family Handbook provides information to families of children who are enrolled in Georgia's Pre-K Program. GELDS Pre-K teachers use Georgia Early Learning Development Standards (GELDS) to make every moment with your child a learning opportunity. To explore the GELDS, go to Class Page
Thank you for attending Pre-K Parent Orientation! Let’s Have A Great Year! Please be sure you signed the Sign-In Sheet.