The discovery of X-rays instantly revolutionized the field of physics and medicine. Experimentation with radioactivity resulted in injury to early scientists. Practitioners suggested a variety of safety rules. Health Physics coined as a term in the early 1940s during the Manhattan Project. HPT Revision 2 Page of 29 TP-1 History and Philosophy of Health Physics 18
Pioneers in Radiation Research Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen ( ) Discovered X-rays in 1895 Received the first Nobel Prize for physics in 1901 HPT Revision 2 Page of 29 TP-2 Radiograph of Frau Röntgen's hand 19
Röngten’s Tools of the Trade HPT Revision 2 Page of 29 TP-3 20
Röngten’s Due Recognition HPT Revision 2 Page of 29 TP-4 21
Pioneers in Radiation Research Antoine Henri Becquerel ( ) discovered natural radioactivity in 1896 noted differences between X-rays and other radiation types HPT Revision 2 Page of 29 TP-5 22
Pioneers in Radiation Research Pierre Curie ( ) Marie Curie ( ) Coined the term radioactivity Discovered Radium and Polonium HPT Revision 2 Page of 29 TP-6 23
Pioneers in Radiation Research Ernest Rutherford ( ) named alpha, beta, and proton particles used the exponential equation to calculate decay related decay to half- life HPT Revision 2 Page of 29 TP-7 24
Radiation Injuries Dally becomes first U.S. casualty Edison quits rad work in his lab British Röntgen Society takes action to improve safety HPT Revision 2 Page of 29 TP-8 "...placing [his hand] between the fluoroscope and the X-ray tube...." 25
New York World Monday, August 3, 1903 "Don't talk to me about X-rays," he said. "I am afraid of them. I stopped experimenting with them two years ago, when I came near to losing my eyesight and Dally, my assistant practically lost the use of both of his arms. I am afraid of radium and polonium too, and I don't want to monkey with them. " HPT Revision 2 Page of 29 TP-9 26
American Journal of Clinical Medicine Dr. C. G. Davis noted that “Radioactivity prevents insanity, rouses noble emotions, retards old age, and creates a splendid youthful joyous life.” HPT Revision 2 Page of 29 TP-10 27
Revigator (ca. 1920) Users were provided the following instructions: 1. Fill jar every night. 2. Use hydrant or any good water. 3. Drink freely when thirsty and upon arising and retiring. Average six or more glasses daily. HPT Revision 2 Page of 29 TP-11 28
Radithor (ca. 1928) Triple distilled water guaranteed to contain at least 1 microcurie each of Ra-226 and Ra-228. linked to Eben Byers death at age 51. teeth fell out; holes appeared in his skull. HPT Revision 2 Page of 29 TP-12 29