Welcome Please find your child’s desk. Read the note from your child. Feel free to write a note back. If there is a computer on your child’s desk, please fill out the parent survey. Sign the PTSA forms outside the front door. Conference sign ups will be done online at a later date. Volunteer sign ups will also be done online. You will receive an invitation soon. 1
2 Cougar Ridge Elementary School Mrs. Kinsella and Mrs. Lyons Third Grade Room A-1 Please always both ☺ Welcome to Curriculum Night!
Agenda ▪Our Backgrounds ▪Team teaching ▪Bobcat Code and Consequences ▪Curriculum Overview ▪Schedules ▪Homework ▪Other Important Information ▪Questions 3
4 Mrs. Kinsella’s Background Bachelor of Arts: University of California, San Diego Masters Degree in Education: also from UCSD. Taught for 5 years in San Jose, California Taught in Northshore School District for 3 years. National Board of Professional Teaching Standards Certified Moved to Issaquah School District to work closer to home. Baby (Grady) born 10/30/15 Excited to be part of the CR community for my third year!
5 Mrs. Lyons’ Background Bachelors of Science from University of Louisville Dental School Masters in Teaching from Seattle University Taught 3 rd grade for 10 years at Cougar Ridge Taught K- 8 as a relief teacher in Australia & One year in the Science/Technology Program Returned to Cougar Ridge in Excited to continue team teaching with Mrs. Kinsella! Leisure Time – spend time with my family, travel, cycle, swim & hike.
Team Approach Benefits: More adult relationships Proven team teaching record Work/Life balance allows us to offer the most for your children each day. 6
Team Teaching Schedule Monday, Tuesday: Mrs. Kinsella Thursday, Friday: Mrs. Lyons Wednesdays: Alternate We relieve each other instead of getting a substitute when possible. 7
Classroom Guidelines Align with the Cougar Ridge Bobcat Code 1.Be Safe 2.Be Kind 3.Do Your Job 8
Classroom Consequences 1.Warning (I solve the problem.) 2.Conference (We solve it together.) 3.Consequence (The teacher chooses how to solve the problem.) 9
G.L.A.D. Guided Language Acquisition Design Cooperation, active learning, accountability, literacy, academic language Visible –Students working in teams –Charts on walls Used throughout the year and across all subjects 12
13 Making Meaning Reading Strategies Schema/Making Connections Visualizing Wondering/Questioning Making Inferences Determining Important Ideas Understanding Text Structure Summarizing Individual and Small Group Targeted Instruction
Word Study Vocabulary and Spelling Spelling and vocabulary embedded in reading, writing, social studies, and science. 5 minutes a day for explicit spelling instruction; small groups Research based Spelling assessment targeted instruction GLAD strategies for vocabulary acquisition 14
Writing Writing Pathways by Lucy Calkins Units of study Narrative, Opinion, and Information Start off with Crafting True Stories Meets the Common Core State Standards Students are assessed on… Overall, lead, transitions, ending, organization, elaboration, craft, spelling, and punctuation Rubric scoring Follows the Writing Process Individualized and Small Group Instruction 15
Comprehensive curriculum written by a team of teachers & mathematicians who took great care to present math in a logical progression: Preparing students to understand advanced math. Developed specifically to meet the Washington math standards. Connects math to the real world in purposeful ways to nurture & build student confidence. Lessons unfold as a “story”- with deliberate focus in a logical sequence to help deepen mathematical understanding. Eureka Math: A Story of Units
Understand that students are learning math in a way that will prepare them for the higher demands of college and careers today & in the future – focused math skills and real-world, challenging problems Read the Parent Roadmap for your child’s grade level At the beginning of each module, read the Parent Tip Sheet to get an overview of the topics your child will be learning and how you can support this learning at home Recognize that Eureka Math lessons can be customized by teachers to meet the varying needs of students 17 Eureka Math: How You Can Help
Civics and Economics Citizenship, American Symbols History Northwest Coast Native Americans Pioneers 18
19 Science Fall - Life Science: Life Cycles (Salmon), Variations of Inherited Characteristics (Salmon) Winter - Earth/Space Science: Water Cycle & Weather Spring - Physical Science: Properties of Matter (Rocks and Minerals)
Health Making good choices with nutrition, health and safety. Literacy based Class discussion Water Safety and Swimming 20
21 Basic Operations and Concepts Ethics Research Keyboarding Thirty minutes a week computer lab Technology in the classroom
22 Smarter Balanced Assessment (Common Core Standards) Online Testing window: March-June English Language Arts Math
Our Daily Schedule M, T, Th, F 23 8:30 8:50 10:00 10:15 10:35 11:25 12:05 12:50 1:20 1:50 2:55 Warm Up Math Read Aloud/Snack Recess Writing Lunch/Recess Science/Social Studies Reading/Specialist Specialist Reading Dismissal
Our Daily Schedule Wednesdays 24 8:30 8:50 9:50 10:00 10:10 11:25 12:05 12:45 Warm Up Math Read Aloud/Snack Recess Close Reading Lunch/Recess Class Meeting, Social Learning Dismissal
Specialist Schedule 25 Monday Music Tuesday PE, Library Wednesday None Thursday Music Friday PE
Goals: To reinforce classwork; For students to develop independence, self-discipline, and responsibility; To increase communication between home and school. Nightly homework ✓ Monday-Friday: Math page and reading log Must do and Can do Problems Identified in class ✓ Friday: No homework (Kidmail goes home) Read at least 20 minutes daily: Just Right Books Book talks: 4x/year 27
Homework Folders Check Daily Sign each weekend Look for stickers on Fridays Class Website Check weekly Look for reminders on Tuesdays 28
29 ●Parent volunteers needed for Vision and Hearing Screening on 9/21. Contact Karen Herring, the school nurse. ●Year long volunteers needed in the library. Contact Mrs Hembree.
30 Storyworks magazine ($10) No cash or check, please pay online from the link on the school website. Salmon Hatchery Field Trip ($?) coming up in October. (More info will be sent home.) Please provide a healthy, nut and seed free snack every day. This should be quick & easy to eat. Birthday policy Volunteer sign up: Sign Up Genius Scholastic Book OrdersCode: NL7XZ
39 Thanks for coming! This will be a GREAT year!