Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education Radiology Review Committee Update
Disclosure No conflicts of interest to report
Topics Today The Committee Case Logs Clarifications
Radiology RC Composition Appointing Organizations: ABR, AMA, ACR, AOA 12 voting members including: One public member One resident member 2 nominations each from ACR and APDR RRC then selects from nominated resident candidates ABR Ex Officio – non-voting
Review Committee Members James Anderson - Chair (Neuro) Duane Mezwa - Vice Chair (Abdomen) Kristen DeStigter (Abdomen, US) (Open) (Breast Imaging) Donald Flemming (Musculoskeletal) Jeanne LaBerge (Interventional) Elizabeth Oates (Nuclear) Gautham Reddy (Cardiothoracic) Susan John (Peds) Karl Soderlund(Resident) George Erbacher (Osteopathic) Jennifer Bosma (Public) Kay Vydareny (ABR ex officio) Janet Bailey (Breast Imaging) – July 2016
New Name!! “Review Committee for Radiology” »Recently the Review Committee changed its name - “Diagnostic” has been removed »Announced in ACGME March 14 eComm message
Review Committee Accreditation Decisions January 2016 – April 2016 DR Subspecialty PgmsCount Continued Accreditation276 Initial Accreditation1 Application Withheld 0 Requested Site Visits1
Total Number of Peds Rad Pgms46 Programs on Continued Accreditation46 Programs on Warning0 Programs on Initial Accreditation0 Total number of filled positions 82 Pediatric Radiology Stats
RC Meeting Dates January 28-30, 2016 Agenda closed November 2, 2015 April 28-30, 2016 Agenda closed February 1, 2016 New! – September 8-9, 2016 Agenda closing date June 1, 2016
NAS Review Observations
Faculty Certification »PLEASE ensure that all faculty licensure and certification information is up-to-date in ADS »Multiple faculty rosters reviewed with inaccurate or outdated faculty information
ADS Annual Update Tips to Remember… »PD is responsible for the accuracy of the data Inaccurate data can lead to unnecessary citations and/or adverse actions »Print Annual Update for your records »Data omissions are flagged!!! <70% response on Resident Survey <60% response on Faculty Survey
Review Committee Discussions
New Program Director Requests »Requests thru ADS do not provide adequate information »Lack detail regarding qualifications »New RC process: All PD changes will now require program to submit - Full faculty CV Letter of support from DIO »Announced in ACGME eComm on November 23
Ongoing Discussions… Can residents read cases for hospitals and/or outside imaging centers that are not officially part of the teaching program? The Review Committee determined that this activity is acceptable as long as the external cases are being used for education, supervised by program faculty, and documented.
Ongoing Discussions… Revision of the Pediatric Radiology Requirements The Review Committee is discussing a revision timeline for several of the subspecialty requirements. The earliest group won’t be initiated before 2017 or 2018.
Ongoing Discussions… New ACGME eligibility rules go into effect July 1, 2016 III.A. Eligibility Requirements – Fellowship Programs All required clinical education for entry into ACGME-accredited fellowship programs must be completed in an ACGME-accredited residency program, or in an RCPSC-accredited or CFPC-accredited residency program located in Canada. (Core) Prerequisite training for entry into the fellowship program should include the satisfactory completion of a diagnostic radiology residency program accredited by the ACGME or the RCPSC. (Core)
Ongoing Discussions… Radiology fellowship programs have the option of using the III.A.2 - Fellow Eligibility Exception criteria for qualified applicants who do not meet the eligibility requirements in III.A. *If exercising this exception for an AOA radiology graduate, ACGME has allowed COMLEX to be considered instead of USMLE for III.A.2.c
Questions »Can be directed to Felicia Davis, Executive Director ACGME Radiology RC