General Chemistry I Prof. Harshpreet Suchdeva
Welcome to CHEM 1411 Professor’s contact information: Mrs. Harshpreet Suchdeva
Welcome to CHEM 1411 What do you need to know to start the semester successfully? Overview Overview Course materials Course materials Learning Web Learning Web First day of classes First day of classes My expectations My expectations
Welcome to CHEM 1411 Overview: First course of the General Chemistry sequence First course of the General Chemistry sequence Two components: lecture and lab. One single grade for both courses. Two components: lecture and lab. One single grade for both courses.
Welcome to CHEM 1411 What are the course materials? LECTURE: Textbook Textbook Online Homework Access Code Online Homework Access Code Non-Programmable Calculator Non-Programmable Calculator 4 scantrons 4 scantronsLAB: Lab Manual Lab Manual Goggles or Safety Glasses Goggles or Safety Glasses
Welcome to 1411 Learning Web: Important source of information (syllabus, tentative schedule, practice handouts, etc.) Important source of information (syllabus, tentative schedule, practice handouts, etc.)
Welcome to CHEM 1411 What will you do on the first day? LECTURE(Thursday): Meet in room Science and Teachnology 210 Meet in room Science and Teachnology 210 Go over the Syllabus Go over the Syllabus Introductions IntroductionsLAB(Tuesday): Meet in room Science and Teachnology 202 Meet in room Science and Teachnology 202 Safety video Safety video
Welcome to CHEM 1411 How can I meet my instructor’s expectations? Be on time, every time. Be on time, every time. Communicate absences and tardiness Communicate absences and tardiness ahead of time. ahead of time. Be ready for class and its activities. Be ready for class and its activities. Be respectful with instructor and Be respectful with instructor and peers. peers. Be a hard worker. Be a hard worker. Ask a LOT of questions. Ask a LOT of questions. I am looking forward to see you soon!