Destination Denmark! I’m back, what now?
Personal Level
Project Garbage: What happens after it’s thrown away?
Goal Students will better understand what happens to trash and the impact that trash has on our environment.
Hope Students will change their personal habits. Our school will get serious about recycling.
Organization I will work with the 5 th graders in our afterschool program 1-2 days per week for 6 months.
Phase I: Research How many pounds of garbage do we generate at our school? Where does the garbage go? What impact does the garbage have on the environment? What else can be done with waste?
Energy Xchange
Phase II: Action Plan Students will work together to create an action plan for how we can reduce our waste at BES.
Phase III: Sharing Students will create a product to share their research results and plan with the school community.
Phase IV: Implementing the Plan Students will secure funding, buy materials, and implement their plan in the school.
Phase VI: Debrief At the completion of the project students will discuss what they learned.