GEOGRAPHY Mountains Rainforests HISTORY World War I (trip to Museum of Lancashire) Baghdad World War 2 ( Evacuation visit and dressing up) FOOD TECHNOLOGY World War II Cooking and recipes LITERACY We will be reading and analysing a variety of novels whilst developing our reading skills These include The Witches by Roald Dahl, Clockwork by Philip Pullman, Carries War by Nina Bawden and King of the Cloud Forests and Private Peaceful by Michael Morpurgo Mrs Wood will study Macbeth, Oliver Twist and Great Expectations In writing children will be learning how to structure and write non-fiction texts, whilst developing their VCOP and SPAG skills Narrative writing will focus on differing genres of short stories In spelling we will continue to follow the Spelling programme used last year (Spell to Excel) and revisiting spelling rules English Exercise Book, Reading Diary, Spelling Journal book (weekly test), SPAG book COMPUTING E-Safety – Monitoring the use of the internet Data bases / Data logging / SCRATCH/programming Research Presentations using Word, Publishers, Powerpoint Ipad – imovie and using other apps to aid learning NUMERACY A main focus will centre around developing mental strategies and abilities to recall and calculate at pace Together with this, the development of efficient problem-solving strategies which children should be able apply within a range of contexts. Written methods for calculations will be refined and used to solve a range of word problems (expanded and short methods) A range of topics linked to measures, space and shape and handling data. Maths books / Maths Jotters / Maths arithmetic (weekly)/ Tables test book (weekly) SCIENCE Topics include: Light, Evolution and inheritance, Animals including Humans (heart, health and lifestyles) and Classification of living things Revision on Electricity FRENCH (Modern languages) A range of themes and topics with Mrs Powell. ART Developing the skills of drawing,painting, sculpture and design Use of digital photographs and the work of famous artists These images will then be extended using a range of shades and tones from limited palettes PE Sports include cross country running to develop stamina, indoor Athletics, Basketball, Netball, Tennis and Hockey Freddy Fit has already visited and may be visiting us again this year, South Ribble sports coaches also take Year 6 for sessions in Dance, a variety of different sports and BIKEABILITY PE will take place on a Tuesday afternoon. Please make sure that kit is ALWAYS IN SCHOOL. MUSIC Children will take part in performing, composing and appraising musical activities – usually topic based VISITS / VISITORS Mountain expert / Authors / Theatre Trip / Museum of Lancashire / East Lancs Railway / Liverpool Cathedral / ROBINWOOD PSHE/CIRCLE TIME We will be following the 'Statements to live by' programme which combines key messages from Come and See, Seals materials and Circle Time activities RE Following the Come and See programme, topics will include Loving, Vocation and Commitment and Expectations