All about Year 3 Mrs Wood, Mrs Nicholson and Mrs Drury Mrs Webb, Mrs Smith and Mrs Groves Mrs Woodcock and Mrs O’Hara
Year 3 - general differences Greater expectations of independence and responsibility. Greater expectations of independence and responsibility. Longer morning session (1 hr for lunch). Longer morning session (1 hr for lunch). No free fruit snack. No free fruit snack. PE- 1 outdoor and 1 indoor session. PE- 1 outdoor and 1 indoor session.
Timetable 8.40 – SPAG 8.40 – SPAG 9.00 – Guided reading 9.00 – Guided reading 9.20 – Maths (in sets) 9.20 – Maths (in sets) – Assembly – Assembly – Break – Break – Literacy – Literacy – Lunch – Lunch 1.00 – Topic 1.00 – Topic 2.00 – Break 2.00 – Break 2.10 – Topic 2.10 – Topic 3.10 – Home 3.10 – Home
Cross Curricular learning Cross curricular links between subjects. Literacy, Numeracy, Science, PE, ICT, R.E, Geography, History, Music, Art, Design Technology, French and PSHE are all now linked together. Cross curricular links between subjects. Literacy, Numeracy, Science, PE, ICT, R.E, Geography, History, Music, Art, Design Technology, French and PSHE are all now linked together. More emphasis on using Literacy and Numeracy skills More emphasis on using Literacy and Numeracy skills e.g. writing as a historical figure in History e.g. writing as a historical figure in History Graph work, measuring in Science Graph work, measuring in Science This year’s topics are: This year’s topics are: Robots Robots Hinduism/Divali Hinduism/Divali Environment Environment Egypt Egypt Skeletons Skeletons World War II – including a visit from Doris Dinsdale World War II – including a visit from Doris Dinsdale Scotland Scotland Rocks and soils – including a trip to Lower Smite Farm Rocks and soils – including a trip to Lower Smite Farm
Homework projects Half termly independent ‘topic’ investigations linked to current learning. Half termly independent ‘topic’ investigations linked to current learning. They must include some writing, but can include a variety of other skills (maths, DT, art etc) They must include some writing, but can include a variety of other skills (maths, DT, art etc) We want the children to enjoy these projects and have an element of freedom over what skills they choose to use and how they present their work. We want the children to enjoy these projects and have an element of freedom over what skills they choose to use and how they present their work. Work is shared with parents and the class at a homework showcase so the children can see a variety of ideas and skills. Work is shared with parents and the class at a homework showcase so the children can see a variety of ideas and skills. Children’s efforts are acknowledged and rewarded with a certificate. Children’s efforts are acknowledged and rewarded with a certificate.
Reading In Key Stage 1 – big emphasis on using phonics to decode texts. For those children who still need to build on their phonic skills, this will continue in Year 3. In Key Stage 1 – big emphasis on using phonics to decode texts. For those children who still need to build on their phonic skills, this will continue in Year 3. For other children the emphasis will move from ‘learning to read’ to ‘reading to learn’ with a greater emphasis on comprehension skills. For other children the emphasis will move from ‘learning to read’ to ‘reading to learn’ with a greater emphasis on comprehension skills. Reading is taught daily in differentiated class groups. Children will work with either their Teacher, Teaching Assistant or independently. Reading is taught daily in differentiated class groups. Children will work with either their Teacher, Teaching Assistant or independently.
SPAG Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar SPAG sentence each morning – an opportunity to practise their Literacy skills with a focus on VCOP (Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers, Punctuation) SPAG sentence each morning – an opportunity to practise their Literacy skills with a focus on VCOP (Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers, Punctuation) Spelling session taught once a week, with follow up activities in Guided Reading Spelling session taught once a week, with follow up activities in Guided Reading Grammar session taught once a week Grammar session taught once a week
Handwriting In Key Stage 2 we will continue to use the cursive handwriting style that the children are already familiar with. In Key Stage 2 we will continue to use the cursive handwriting style that the children are already familiar with. A fluid style of handwriting enables children to concentrate on the content of their writing and not become stuck on thinking about where a letter starts. A fluid style of handwriting enables children to concentrate on the content of their writing and not become stuck on thinking about where a letter starts. Pen licenses are awarded throughout the year to children who consistently use this style. Pen licenses are awarded throughout the year to children who consistently use this style.
Writing Taught in mixed ability classes Taught in mixed ability classes Clear differentiation to suit learning needs. Clear differentiation to suit learning needs. Children have individual writing targets which are displayed in the classroom. Children have individual writing targets which are displayed in the classroom. Children will take part in guided writing sessions with children who share the same target, to help them make progress. Children will take part in guided writing sessions with children who share the same target, to help them make progress. Opportunities for individual, paired and group work and guided writing. Opportunities for individual, paired and group work and guided writing.
Writing Coverage of texts - fiction, non-fiction and poetry Coverage of texts - fiction, non-fiction and poetry E.g. stories with familiar settings, myths, fables and legends, instructions E.g. stories with familiar settings, myths, fables and legends, instructions To support the writing process we use: To support the writing process we use: Visual Literacy strategies (e.g. pictures/videos) Visual Literacy strategies (e.g. pictures/videos) Drama techniques (e.g. freeze frames and hot-seating) Drama techniques (e.g. freeze frames and hot-seating) Speaking and listening Speaking and listening Planning time Planning time Skills sessions Skills sessions
Extended Writing Every other week and allows children more time to create a piece of writing. Every other week and allows children more time to create a piece of writing. Children will receive Talk Homework on the Wednesday prior to the writing task to discuss their ideas at home. No written outcome is expected. Children will receive Talk Homework on the Wednesday prior to the writing task to discuss their ideas at home. No written outcome is expected. A piece of outstanding writing will be chosen from each class every fortnight and displayed in school and on the website. A piece of outstanding writing will be chosen from each class every fortnight and displayed in school and on the website.
What can you do to help? Reading opportunities: books, comics, recipes, signs, shopping lists, visiting the local library, reading to younger siblings. Reading opportunities: books, comics, recipes, signs, shopping lists, visiting the local library, reading to younger siblings. Speaking and listening opportunities: chatting to your children, talk homework, word games, listening games. Speaking and listening opportunities: chatting to your children, talk homework, word games, listening games. Writing opportunities: shopping lists, letters, s, diaries, cards, project homework, writing for pleasure. Writing opportunities: shopping lists, letters, s, diaries, cards, project homework, writing for pleasure.
Please come and join us in the classrooms now to take part in and support your child with some of these writing activities.