SATS INFORMATION PRESENTATION Thursday 29 th September 2016
The KS2 SATs will take place between Monday 8th May and Thursday 11th May 2017.
PROVISIONAL TIMETABLE Monday 8 May 2017: English reading test, Tuesday 9 May 2017: English grammar, punctuation and spelling test, Paper 1, short answer questions.; paper 2, spelling. Wednesday 10 May 2017: Mathematics, paper 1 arithmetic test.; paper 2 reasoning. Thursday 11 May 2017: Mathematics, paper 3, reasoning.
CONTEXT OF CHANGES September new curriculum introduced Revised National Curriculum assessed for the first time in May 2016 Applies to pupils at the end of key stages 1 and 2
NEW CURRICULUM, NEW STANDARDS, NEW TESTS: KS2 Mental maths test will be replaced with an arithmetic test No level 6 tests – all pupils will take just 1 set of tests – tests will include a small number of questions that will stretch the most able pupils
English: -Reading test -Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar tests -No writing test (writing assessed through the year by class teacher)
SCALED SCORES Replaces old system of levels – ‘raw’ score converts to a ‘scaled’ score Helps test results to be reported consistently and maintain meaning over time – two pupils achieving the same scaled score in different years will have demonstrated the same attainment National standard will be ‘100’ Pupils achieving more than a score of 100 will be classified as ‘working above the national standard’; below 100 as ‘working towards the national standard’
KS2 TESTS: KEY CHANGES English reading Greater focus on comprehension (inference, deduction) English grammar, punctuation and spelling Greater focus on knowing and applying grammatical terminology with the full range of punctuation tested Technical terms in grammar tested Spelling patterns and methodologies form the basis of spellings tested
KS2 TESTS: KEY CHANGES Mathematics – arithmetic test Mental mathematics test removed Arithmetic test introduced to assess basic mathematical calculations No contextualised questions 36 questions, 40 marks available, 30 minutes duration Questions will cover: – straightforward addition and subtraction – more complex calculations with fractions – long divisions and long multiplications
KS2 ENGLISH READING Different structure to the previous KS2 reading test. Greater emphasis on the comprehension elements of the new curriculum Each test will have 3-4 unrelated texts of varying difficulty There will be a mixture of text types 1 hour in duration 50 marks available
KS2 ENGLISH GRAMMAR, PUNCTUATION AND SPELLING No contextual items 70 marks available in total Design of the test unchanged: – 1 short answer paper with questions, 50 marks available, 45 minutes – 1 spelling test with questions, 20 marks available Spelling tested by asking pupils to complete sentences with a word missing
KS2 MATHEMATICS The key stage 2 mathematics test materials comprise: Paper 1: arithmetic (40 marks) Paper 2: reasoning (35 marks) Paper 3: reasoning (35 marks) Boxed paper provided in answer spaces for questions on the arithmetic paper and some questions on Paper marks available in total
HOW TO HELP YOUR CHILD MATHEMATICS The easiest way to remember is 4 by 4 The 4 operations -multiply, divide, add and take away Used and applied to –(4 areas) whole numbers, decimals, fractions and percentages.
TIMES TABLES Without a quick and accurate knowledge of times tables, your child is already at a disadvantage in the Arithmetic Paper (Paper 1) which is the easiest paper to obtain marks (there are 40 marks up for grabs!). There are NO words in this paper.
MATHEMATICS PAPER 2 AND 3 These are the harder of the Mathematics papers where the children have to reason and apply their mathematical knowledge. These questions are presented in a variety of ways. These skills are best taught in class, so, for the moment, we ask that you focus on helping your child improve their arithmetic skills.
READING It is essential that your child become a ‘bookworm’. We cannot stress enough how important it is that your child reads a variety of texts, short stories and novels and makes a concentrated effort to expand their vocabulary. This will then feed into their writing and their Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling test (GAPS).
GAPS A lot of this preparation again will be in class. The children will have homework based on a grammar or punctuation focus.
DON’T BUY TESTS OR PRINT OFF TESTS! Please do not print off any of the test materials which are avalilable on the Department of Education website! We use these for our Practise and Mock SATs. If the children have prior knowledge of the tests, it makes it difficult for us to know where their weaknesses lie for the tests in May!
GOOD REVISION WEBSITES - fun games and activities for both Maths and Literacy - a great site for all-round revision - tests and games for all subjects - a fantastic spelling website set-up by another Year 6 teacher – lots of previous spelling tests which are great for practice – Games to practice SPAG and Maths skills