Holy Trinity CE Junior School KS2 SAT Meeting Welcome & Thank you for coming
Holy Trinity CE Junior School KS2 SAT Meeting Parents’ Information Evening Wednesday 1 st October 2014
What are SAT tests and why do children have to take them? KS2 SAT papers are taken by pupils in year 6 (when they are years old) as part of the National Curriculum assessment programme. KS2 SAT results are used by secondary schools to put the children into suitable sets for core subjects. They will also use these results to predict their GCSE grades. Children undertake KS2 SAT papers in two core subjects: English and Maths. These are broken down into 6 separate examined tests. EnglishMaths
Schools may also choose to hold Level 6 SAT assessments (in addition to their Level 3-5 SAT papers). We do, and last year we had a number of children achieving Level 6. Previously, pupils also took papers in Science. Annual sampling tests in Science will now take place every two years, starting in 2014.Science
Importantly, the child must achieve a Level 5 in the Level 3-5 SAT tests and pass the corresponding Level 6 test in the same year to be awarded an overall Level 6 result. If the child does not pass the Level 6 SAT test they will be awarded the Level achieved in the Level 3-5 SAT test.
What are SAT Levels? Children working below level 3 do not take the SAT Tests. Level 3: Below the nationally expected level of attainment for a pupil at the end of Year 6. Level 4: The nationally expected level of attainment for a pupil at the end of Year 6. Level 5: Above the nationally expected level of attainment for a pupil at the end of Year 6. At school, we also use sub-levels as a, b or c (a being the highest) e.g. A level 4c is a low level 4, a 4b is a secure level 4 and a 4a is a high level 4.
What’s the Difference Between Attainment and Progress? Attainment This is the expectation for a child's performance according to their school year. By the end of Year 2 the ‘average’ child is expected to attain a 2b By the end of Year 6 the ‘average’ child is expected to a attain a 4b
What’s the Difference Between Attainment and Progress? Progress At the end of KS1 (Year 2) your child will have been assessed and given a level. These levels are used by the government to predict individual children’s progress by the end of Year 6. ( Level thresholds are not yet known by us). For example: in Year 2 By end Year 6 L1bL3b L2bL4b L3bL5b however…. L2aL5c These children will have made expected progress…
How Many Tests Are There? Literacy Reading: The Level 3-5 KS2 Reading SAT Paper: A Reading Booklet containing several texts which are not necessarily linked by theme. Pupils are given 1 hour to read the texts and answer individual questions about them. The questions vary in their depth with some only requiring a single word answer, others a paragraph to demonstrate strong understanding (up to three marks). Pupils can refer back to the texts at any point. It is a classic reading comprehension assessment.
Reading Test Examples Some questions will ask the children to find answers directly from the reading booklets they are given.
Others will require the children to deduce answers by using words or phrases as evidence.
Some questions will ask the children to evaluate what they have read, again using the text to back up their answers.
Assessment of Writing Pupils’ writing is assessed by our staff in school, based on a collection of the children's writing over time. Our approach to this is very rigorous and we spend time moderating work with other schools. Every school could be subject to a monitoring visit from the Local Authority or a Government Agency. We were moderated last year and Mrs Bell-Walker is a Local Authority moderator. Writing is no longer sent away to be externally marked and assessed. The on-going progress of individual children is carefully tracked and developed throughout the whole of our school including Year 6.
Writing Test Examples
Writing Range The range of writing covered in school which is used to inform assessment judgements, includes the following and which also forms part of the wider curriculum: Instructions Persuasive text Discussion text Recount Report Explanation Play script Poetry Narrative texts (a story, or based on any of the above formats)
Spelling and Grammar Literacy Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling: SAT papers for the English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Test have recently been introduced. Your children will be the third cohort to undertake these assessments… Time to have a go…..
There are three tests:- The mental test (20%) Paper A - No calculator allowed (40%) Paper B – No calculator allowed (40%) (We think?) A child's mark from all three papers is aggregated to create their overall Key Stage 2 Maths SATs level. As with Key Stage 2 English, schools can choose to administer the Level 6 Mathematics – again we do and a number of children achieved L6 last year. The Level 6 Maths tests consist of two papers Paper 1 – a non-calculator paper, lasting 30 minutes Paper 2 – a calculator available paper also lasting 30 minutes. Children's marks from both tests are aggregated to determine whether they are performing at Level 6 in mathematics. Numeracy Tests
The tests cover Levels 3-5 The first questions in the paper are generally Level 3 questions, moving on to Level 4, with the more challenging questions at the end of the papers targeted at Level 5. Have a look on tables…
Equipment allowed in each test No equipment allowed in the mental test. Pencil only. Children are allowed a pencil, ruler, tracing paper, protractor and mirror for Papers A and B, and a calculator for Paper B used to be allowed but was discontinued last year. They may not need to use all of these.
Mental Maths Test (No Pressure) Numeracy Mental Test: A 20 minute mental arithmetic paper. Time for another go….
How You Can Support Your Child At Home: Read with your child, discussing the content and choice of words the author has made. Ask your child questions about their reading, encouraging them to identify words or phrases to back up their answers. This is really critical even though the children may well be confident readers!
How You Can Support Your Child At Home: Sensible bedtime. Healthy diet – eat breakfast. Drink plenty of water at home and school. Encourage your child positively, without putting too much pressure on him/her. Support with homework – provide a quiet place for work and patient support. Use revision guides and websites to support your child’s learning.
SAT Week Timetable MorningAfternoon Monday 11 th MayL3 – 5 Reading TestL6 Reading Test Tuesday 12 th May L3 – 5 SPAG & Spelling Test L6 SPAG & Spelling Test Wednesday 13 th May L3 – 5 Mental Maths Test & Maths Paper 1 Thursday 14 th MayL3 – 5 Maths Paper 2L6 Maths Papers 1 & 2 Friday 15 th May
How We Will Support Your Children… Breakfast Warming-up / Preparation Breaks Care
Revision Visit our VLE Visit our Website BBC Revisewise Thank you for coming! This presentation will be available on the school website.