Stapeley Broad Lane CE Primary School Key Stage One Assessment and Testing Arrangements 2016 Information Evening – February 2016
Subject Areas to be Assessed TESTS Mathematics Reading Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar ASSESSED but NOT Tested Writing Science and all other foundation subjects
Reported Results English – an overall English Assessment result will NOT be calculated Reading – Test score, scaled score and Teacher Assessment Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar - Test score and scaled score Writing – Teacher Assessment Mathematics – Test score, scaled score and Teacher Assessment Science – Teacher Assessment
Tests Schools are required to administer the following tests to all children: English reading - 2 tests English grammar, punctuation and spelling – 2 tests (grammar & punctuation and spelling) Mathematics – 2 tests (arithmetic and reasoning papers) Marks from the tests are combined to give a raw score, which is then converted into a scaled score (where 100 is the National Expectation)
National Curriculum test timetable At KS1, the tests can be administered throughout May This may mean that different groups of children sit the tests at different times School may be chosen to administer tests early (April) to inform standard setting. Pre-test trialling (April)
Supporting Individual Children Examples of when access arrangements might be appropriate: Use of a full or partial transcript Readers Prompters Rest Breaks Use of a scribe
Writing Writing is assessed throughout the year A judgement will be made and awarded based on each child’s writing throughout the year. To assist with this process, children’s writing is moderated regularly in school. Children may complete a piece of writing to be moderated across the Nantwich schools. Exemplification materials are being produced to help with these decisions
Reading Two tests – a 30 minutes test and a 40 minutes test. There will be a mixture of text genres and the texts will become increasingly more difficult. The Reading tests will have a greater emphasis on the comprehension elements of the reading curriculum Paper 1 – a combined reading prompt and answer booklet. Paper 2 – separate reading and answer booklets
Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation The grammar and punctuation test is a new test for KS1 Two tests : A 20 minute “short test” A spelling test (20 words read by the teacher) Focus on knowledge of grammar, punctuation and vocabulary
Mathematics 2 papers Paper 1 – Arithmetic test – 20 minutes Paper 2 – reasoning - 35 minutes The arithmetic test assesses pupils’ confidence and mathematical fluency with whole numbers, place value and counting. The paper contains grids for pupils’ answers. The reasoning paper assesses pupils’ mathematical fluency, problem solving and reasoning. This paper includes 5 aural questions.
Science Science is assessed throughout the year A judgement will be made on each of the four areas of science and a judgement awarded based on each child’s work throughout the Key Stage/Year.
What do the tests look like? As levels have been removed, the new tests reflect the full ability range of pupils There are no separate tests for pupils working beyond or below the national expectations
Teacher Assessment Writing, reading and mathematics Teacher assessment judgements will be one of the following statements: – Working towards the expected standard – Working at the expected standard – Working at greater depth within the expected standard
Teacher Assessment Science Teacher assessment judgements will be one of the following statements: – Working towards the expected standard – Working at the expected standard A range of exemplification materials are being produced to assist with the process of making teacher assessment judgements. We may be selected for external writing moderation (which takes place after we have submitted our assessments)
Issues Worries – children and parents are bound to be worried about how well their child is going to do. Pressure – children and adults can unwittingly put pressure on children to succeed at higher levels than those at which they are capable Illness –there is flexibility in the system to administer tests throughout May
Support from School We will work with children to practise aspects of the tests We will practise the test question format We will monitor children’s attainment and provide additional support as and when needed Working with parents We will try to maintain a “low key” approach to testing of 6 & 7 year olds
Support from Home Learning key words in the children’s literacy and numeracy facts books Providing a suitable support for homework or revision sent from school If appropriate, completing practice questions at home Communicating concerns to school – work found difficult, children not coping etc Working with school staff Reading with your child (at speed)
Key Dates March/April – parents evening w/b 11 th or 18 th April – Standardisation test week (if selected) During May – tests and assessments completed Monday13th June – TA submitted From Tuesday 14 th June – moderation of TA Friday 3 rd June – test to scaled score conversion tables published Early/mid July – reports sent home
Any Questions?