KEY STAGE 2 SATS Awareness-raising for Y6 parents
Purpose of the tests Designed to test your child’s knowledge and understanding of the Key Stage 2 programmes of study in English and Maths. Provide a snapshot of your child’s attainment at the end of Key Stage 2.
The Structure of the Tests English- Reading Comprehension English – Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Maths- Papers A & B Mental Arithmetic Paper
Writing The children no longer have to ‘sit’ a test in writing. Previously, it used to consist of a short and a long writing task. Now your children are continually being assessed which provides a much more realistic picture of their abilities. We provide many opportunities for the children to write in all the different genres, both at home and at school.
The 2015 Test Timetable
2015 Test Timetable Monday 11 th May 2015 Tuesday 12 th May 2015Wednesday 13 th May 2015 Thursday 14 th May 2015 Levels 3–5 Reading Test 9:15am 45 minutes Hawthorn and Linden Classrooms Levels 3-5 English Grammar and Punctuation Test 9:15am short answer questions 45 mins English Spelling Test 10.00am spelling task 15 minutes Hawthorn and Linden Classrooms Levels 3-5 Mental Arithmetic Test 9:15am 10 mins approximately Levels 3-5 Mathematics Paper am - 45 mins Hawthorn and Linden Classrooms Levels 3-5 Mathematics Paper 2 9:15am - 45 mins Hawthorn and Linden Classrooms Level 6 Reading Test 1.15pm - 10 mins reading time 50 mins to complete Hawthorn Classroom Level 6 English – Grammar 1.15pm extended task – writing, 30 minutes 1.45pm short answer questions, 20 minutes, 2.05pm spelling task, 10 minutes Hawthorn Classroom Level 6 Maths Paper pm – 30mins Maths Paper pm – 30 mins Hawthorn Classroom
Where do we go from here?
Preparing the children We have been providing the children with opportunities to work independently We have familiarised the children with test layout and design We have trained the children to work within given time limits We have explained the importance of reading and interpreting instructions correctly.
What can we do to help the children survive the SATs experience? –Work together-home/school partnership –Emphasise the importance of working hard in school –Continue out-of-school interests –Plenty of early nights? –A good breakfast – provided by school Monday – Thursday –Don’t put the children under too much pressure… support them in producing their best.
Breakfast, served from 8:00 Monday – Thursday in Sycamore Selection of cereals –with Semi Skimmed milk Toast with jam Sausage on a ‘Barm cake’ - treat on Thursday! Sauces Apple or Orange juice.
Markland Hill’s SAT results 2014 Year 6 - KS2 % of children achieving Level 4 Markland Hill 2013 Markland Hill 2014 National Expectations 2013 ReadingL4+92%100%86% WritingL4+95%100%81% MathsL4+89%97%84% SPaGL4+68%97%74% Markland Hill 2013 Markland Hill 2014 National Expectations 2013 ReadingL5+50% 45% WritingL5+37%39%30% MathsL5+37% 41% SPaGL5+50%58%47% Year 6 - KS2 % of children achieving Level 5
Markland Hill 2013 Markland Hill 2014 National Expectations 2013 MathsL60%16%6% SPaGL63%5%2% Year 6 - KS2 % of children achieving Level 6
Thank you for your time and continued support