HCalSG meeting #37 Calibration updates: Asteroids T. G. Müller (MPE Garching) Publication: Far-infrared photometric observations of the outer planets and satellites with Herschel-PACS, T. G. Müller, Z. Balog, M. Nielbock, R. Moreno, U. Klaas, A. Moór, H. Linz, H. Feuchtgruber, A&A accepted: Asteroid-relevant topics: non-linearity, colour corrections, cross-calibration (between obsmodes, wrt stars & planets, to SPIRE, to other mission; absolute & relative PacsPhoto calibration accuracy)
Publication: Herschel-SPIRE Observations of Stars and Asteroids, T. L. Lim et al., MNRAS, close to submission? Asteroid-relevant topics: comparison of photometry methods, different observing modes (small & large maps) for asteroids, absolute and relative flux calibration accuracy, fluxes and measurement errors from all the asteroid observations, link to stars, cross-calibration with PacsPhoto on primary asteroids; link between star-based PacsPhoto calibration and planet-based SpirePhoto calibration. Issues with several asteroid models: need for v2 models for the less-known objects
H2020 EU-funded project (Apr 2016 – Mar 2019) PI: T. Müller; Total budget: 1.6 M€; SBNAF – RIA Partner: MPE/Garching/DE; Univ./Observatory of Poznan, PL; Konkoly Observatory, Budapest/HU; IAA/Granada/ES
Work package 2 “Infrared observations” main-belt asteroid HSA upload Work package 3 “Lightcurve inversion techniques” Shape & Spin solutions for secondary calibrators Work package 4 “Asteroid-related calibration” Primary asteroid model predictions Secondary asteroid model predictions Development of improved asteroid models (including Herschel data) Calibration support for Herschel, ALMA, SOFIA, IRAM, APEX,... Work package 6 “Synergies from ground and space” e.g., using the detailed DAWN information for Ceres and Vesta (combined with auxiliary information from ground) to test the absolute calibration of PacsPhoto (and SpirePhoto) This is the first time that money is invested in providing asteroid models for calibration support! This project will also address crucial scientific aspects in the modeling/understanding of small bodies.
Next steps PACS & SPIRE producing asteroid model solution for the HSA: v2 for Ceres, Pallas, Vesta, Lutetia (maybe v3 as part of the SBNAF project) v1 for rest of asteroids (v2 as part of the SBNAF project) get DAWN results for Ceres & Vesta focus on calibration support for ALMA, SOFIA, IRAM, APEX,.... publication of PacsPhoto observations & models of secondary asteroids