Subject Choice ST YEAR STUDENTS TPayne D Keane Scoil Dara, Guidance & Counselling Dept.
Personal Finance Enterprise Our Economy Assessment Classroom based (40%) Final Written Paper 2hours(60%) TPayne D Keane Scoil Dara, Guidance & Counselling Dept.
Business Studies (Junior Cycle) Business Accounting Economics TPayne D Keane Scoil Dara, Guidance & Counselling Dept.
How to design a project with a brief description How to research using the internet How to freehand sketch How to read drawings Health Safety 1. Coursework – you will design a project based on a given design brief (instructions).You will then make the project and prepare a project folder to accompany it (66%). 2. Written examination – there will be a two hour written paper which examines the woodwork theory you have learned over the three years(33%). Subject progresses to Construction Studies for Leaving Cert TPayne D Keane Scoil Dara, Guidance & Counselling Dept.
How to appreciate design and the role of technology in the world How to use tools and equipment safely Understanding of materials –plastics, metal and wood How to use electronic components to build simple circuits e.g. mechanical toys. 1. Coursework - you will design and make a project based on a given design brief. This is worth 50% in Higher level 60% if you take Ordinary level. 2. Written exam - you will also complete a written exam which is worth the remaining percentage TPayne D Keane Scoil Dara, Guidance & Counselling Dept.
How to read a drawing Skills in cutting, shaping and joining materials How to use tools and machines correctly and safely The properties that make up metals The importance of metal today There are two (or three) parts to the exam: ` 1. Coursework project - there is a project worth 37.5% at Higher level or 75% at Ordinary level. You will have approximately four months to make it 2. Written examination - the written paper is based on metalwork theory and makes up 25% for both levels 3. Practical exam (Higher level only) This is worth 37.5% of the total marks for Higher level. It involves making and assembling parts from a given drawing and you will have three hours to do this. Changes to Engineering for LC TPayne D Keane Scoil Dara, Guidance & Counselling Dept.
How to represent 3-D objects on paper and on computer. Freehand sketching How to read drawings and interpret diagrams How to produce drawings using computers You will sit a three hour examination paper (100%) It is made up of 2 sections: 1. Short answer questions which you complete on the sheet provided 2. longer questions which require more detailed answers. The longer questions allow you to show, in greater detail, the drawing and problem solving skills you have learned. Subject changes name to Design, Communication & Graphics TPayne D Keane Scoil Dara, Guidance & Counselling Dept.
Biology –the study of living things e.g. plants, animals, humans Chemistry –composition of substances and their properties; the materials that make up the world around us an how they can change Physics – how matter and energy interact; how things work In Junior Certificate Science you will be examined in 2 ways: 1. Coursework - reports count for 35% of your Junior Certificate marks 2. Written examination - you will answer questions on the science topics that you have studied and on the skills (e.g. science investigation skills) that you have developed (65%) TPayne D Keane Scoil Dara, Guidance & Counselling Dept.
There are over 150 Courses I Cannot Do without having Science in my Leaving Certificate Engineering Nursing Medicine Science Dentistry Human Nutrition & Dietetics TPayne D Keane Scoil Dara, Guidance & Counselling Dept.
How to keep healthy - food and how it nourishes your body, How to prepare, cook and store food. How to spend wisely Hygiene and Safety in the home How to design crafts, textiles Child development 1. Coursework - with help of your teacher, you will choose a project from one of the following areas: Child Development, Design and Craftwork or Textiles Skills (15%) 2. A practical cookery exam - you will have a one and a half hour practical cookery exam which involves preparing and cooking food (30%) 3. A written examination - you will also have a written exam, which you can take at Higher or Ordinary level (55%) TPayne D Keane Scoil Dara, Guidance & Counselling Dept.
How to design objects using sculpture or clay work How to make links between your work and the work of other artists, craft-workers, architects and designers from different countries and historical periods. In Art, Craft & Design, you will be examined in 2 ways: 1. Course-Work. In 3 rd year, you will do a school-based project, chosen from a list of themes. You will research your theme, do preparatory work and complete a painting or graphic design, a craft piece, and a 3-D piece. You will relate your work to other artist’s work (75%). 2. An examination in which you will draw an object and a person (25%) TPayne D Keane Scoil Dara, Guidance & Counselling Dept.
How to read and write music How to sing songs and play an instrument About many types of music In Music you will be examined in two ways: A practical exam - you can sing or play an instrument for this exam - on your own or as part of a group. This is worth 25% of the paper. A combined aural and written exam in composing and listening to music.(75%) TPayne D Keane Scoil Dara, Guidance & Counselling Dept.
Our core subjects are English, Irish, Maths & French or German These will satisfy most course and job requirements TPayne D Keane Scoil Dara, Guidance & Counselling Dept.
Art Music Geography History Accounting Business Economics Home Economics Politics & Society Biology Physics Chemistry Agricultural Science Engineering Construction Studies Design & Communication Graphics Technology
National Council for Curriculum & Assessment Fact Sheets on all Subjects TPayne D Keane Scoil Dara, Guidance & Counselling Dept.