No Grumbling & Disputing Phil 2:14 …
No Grumbling & Disputing Phil 2:14 Phil 2:12-16
No Grumbling & Disputing Phil 2:14 Working Out Your Own Salvation With Fear & Trembling v. 12 #1 Letting God Work In You v. 13#2 Doing All Things Without Grumbling & Disputing v. 14 #3
No Grumbling & Disputing Phil 2:14 No Grumbling… Some translations have “murmuring” “Half-suppressed complaint; complaint in low mumbling tones” [Webster] “Muttering; secret displeasure not openly avowed” [Thayer]
No Grumbling & Disputing Phil 2:14 No Grumbling… When was the last time a “grumbler” took seriously something he was involved in while complaining? Israel grumbled 1 Cor 10:5, Ex 15:24 16:2-3 17:3 Num 11:1-6 14:1-3 16:1-50 (v. 41)
No Grumbling & Disputing Phil 2:14 No Grumbling… Unfaithful brethren are characterized as “murmurers” Jude 4, 16-19
No Grumbling & Disputing Phil 2:14 …But Contentment & Thankfulness If Christians want to shine, they should be contented people Phil 4:11 Grumbling needs to be replaced with thankfulness Col 2:6-7 4:2 Eph 5:20 Spiritual blessings Eph 1:3-14 Physical blessings
No Grumbling & Disputing Phil 2:14 No Disputing… This word can have various meanings in the N.T. Acts 9:29 15:2 Our chosen context indicates something untoward, undesirable It is not to be found among those whose desire it is to “shine as lights in the world”
No Grumbling & Disputing Phil 2:14 No Disputing… “To deliberate or question; hesitation or doubting; intellectual rebellion against God” [Thayer]
No Grumbling & Disputing Phil 2:14 No Disputing… Disputations over personal convictions Rom 14:1 Strife over selfish ambitions 1 Cor 12:25 Divisive wrangling over words 1 Tim 6:3-5 Titus 3:9-10
No Grumbling & Disputing Phil 2:14 …But Unity Unity should characterize Christians who work together Phil 2:2-3 Try fitting in “disputings” in Jn 17:20-23 The Lord wants the world to believe in Him through His disciples who are unified upon His word
No Grumbling & Disputing Phil 2:14 …But Unity Therefore, saints must learn to… …be gentle & patient in teaching others 2 Tim 2:23-26 …forego personal liberties 1 Cor 6:6-7 …patiently forgive others Col 3:12-15
No Grumbling & Disputing Phil 2:14
No Grumbling & Disputing Phil 2:14 Conclusion The “sway” Satan has over this world is characterized by grumblers & disputings People typically not satisfied nor grateful Among them we must “shine as lights” Grumbling must give way to thankfulness Disputing must give way to true unity
No Grumbling & Disputing Phil 2:14 Conclusion When saints shine as their Father expects them among grumblers & disputers… …hopefully we can lead them out of darkness and into the light …hopefully we can also show them a better way to live
No Grumbling & Disputing Phil 2:14 …