Love Dirt healthy soil, healthy future SFU Composts! John Paul, PhD President
What is Soil? Soil is 95 to 99% bits of rock – combinations of sand, silt and clay
Organic Matter Makes up the other 1 to 5% of soil Organic matter is present only in the top 15 to 30 cm of the soil We have lost up to 50% of our organic matter worldwide No organic matter, no life
Why should you care about soil organic matter? Soil Organic Matter Improves Soil Biological Properties – Greater abundance, diversity and activity of soil microbes – Increased nutrient cycling – Increased root elongation and abundance – Increased access to water and nutrients Soil Organic Matter Improves Soil Biological Properties – Greater abundance, diversity and activity of soil microbes – Increased nutrient cycling – Increased root elongation and abundance – Increased access to water and nutrients
2008/Compost Facility Operators Course/Operation A finished compost … Has a dark brown color Is crumbly, loose, and humus-like Has an earthy smell Contains no readily recognizable materials
Compost is not just the backyard type … It has a consistent quality It has no weed seeds It is free of pathogens It is safe But not all compost is the same!
Compost is not soil….! Assuming similar maturity, composts vary in pH, nutrient content and electrical conductivity (a measure of soluble nutrients in compost)
Making compost safely Transform conducted an organics collection and composting pilot in 2006 No odor, no rodents, met Class A compost requirements District of Kent, BC
Making compost safely Transform is working with the District of Mission to compost greenwaste and foodwaste District of Mission, BC Compost for: - Sale as a soil conditioner -Blending with soil to meet new soil standards
District of Mission Rot Pot Program Organic Waste Recycling District of Mission, BC
Composting at Mission Landfill
Reporting temperature
Cooking lunch in the compost pile
Enjoying lunch cooked in the compost pile
Potential pathogen kill results (first batch of compost) Sample #District of Mission ColiformsTotalFecalE. Coli 1< Numbers are in MPN/g (most probable number) All seven samples must be below 1000 MPN/g Compost meets Class A standards for metals
Compost characteristics Characteristics (dry wt)District of MissionLawn Topdress Compost Moisture Content (%)3547 pH Electrical conductivity (dS/m) % N % P 2 O % K Sodium as % of EC1315 % Organic Matter3266 Which characteristic is most important for defining compost?