A. WHAT IS POLITICS? What do Monarchy, Oligarchy, Theocracy, Liberal Democracy, and Anarchy have in common? At the core, every political theory shares a common foundation Each is the outworking of a vision of human thriving
A. WHAT IS POLITICS? What do Monarchy, Oligarchy, Theocracy, Liberal Democracy, and Anarchy have in common? Politics is anthropology, the study of being human
“Man is by nature a political animal…Anyone who either cannot lead the common life or is so self-sufficient as not to need to, and therefore does not partake of society, is either a beast or a god.” - Aristotle A. WHAT IS POLITICS?
Aristotle’s observation: Humans by nature live in community As such, human life by nature is in need of "politics,” of societal organization
A. WHAT IS POLITICS? “Politics is a universal and pervasive aspect of human behavior and may be found wherever two or more human beings are engaged in some collective activity, whether formal or informal, public or private.” - Adrian Leftwich
A. WHAT IS POLITICS? Politics: the ordering of human life in community with the aim of human thriving
A. WHAT IS POLITICS? Politics must define human thriving Wealth? Family? Success? (Defined how?) Power? Respect of others?
A. WHAT IS POLITICS? All political theories contain: A definition of human purpose A vision of the nature of the world A vision of The Ultimate
A. WHAT IS POLITICS? What does the Bible say about these questions?
SABBATH Sabbath is a vision of the Ultimate (YHWH), His purposes for creation, and human thriving Therefore: Sabbath is the primary political concept contained in the Scriptures
B. THE SABBATH RENAISSANCE Lots of writing on Sabbath Context: Spiritual formation/spiritual disciplines Need for “a day of rest” in our manic world
B. THE SABBATH RENAISSANCE Important emphasis! But…why Sabbath rest?
C. THE SABBATH STORY The story of the Bible is a story of Sabbath This story is the story of God, of humans, of ultimate purpose This story is the story of human thriving This story is the political story of the Bible
C. THE SABBATH STORY Our thinking about politics must be formed by the Sabbath Story 1. The Sabbath Rest of God 2. Sabbath People 1. A Sabbath Vision of Politics
1. THE SABBATH REST OF GOD A. The Creation of Sabbath Genesis 1: 6 days of creation Genesis 2:1-3: The 7th Day
1. THE SABBATH REST OF GOD “So the creation of the heavens and the earth and everything in them was completed. On the seventh day God had finished his work of creation, so he rested from all his work. And God blessed the seventh day and declared it holy, because it was the day when he rested from all his work of creation.” - Genesis 2:1-3
1. THE SABBATH REST OF GOD B. Why does God rest? Is God exhausted? Does God need to put up His feet and have a cold one? Why does an all-powerful Creator rest?
1. THE SABBATH REST OF GOD B. Why does God rest? What does “rest” mean? Nuah’: To rest, to settle down Menuah’: Quietness, quiet Heniah’: Lay to rest, to put down (a burden) Shavat: To cease, to rest
1. THE SABBATH REST OF GOD B. Why does God rest? Gen 2 doesn’t use the words available for physical rest Gen 2 says that God “shavats” (“Sabbaths”) What does this mean?
1. THE SABBATH REST OF GOD B. Why does God rest? Context: Ancient concept of “The Ruler at rest” When could a Ruler “be at rest”? When His or Her Kingdom is secure
1. THE SABBATH REST OF GOD B. Why does God rest? This means: 1. No external threats Enemies are subdued Treaties are in place Peace is secured
1. THE SABBATH REST OF GOD B. Why does God rest? This means: 2. No internal threats Peace in the land People are provided for The people are happy
1. THE SABBATH REST OF GOD B. Why does God rest? OT examples of this theme Promise to Moses (Ex 33:14) Promise to Joshua (Josh 1:12-15) Promise to David (2 Sam 7:11)
1. THE SABBATH REST OF GOD C. God’s 7th Day Rest The creation is complete The people are provided for The creation is at rest
1. THE SABBATH REST OF GOD “God ‘rests’ not because he is exhausted, but as the sign that there is nothing more to provide…The King's rest on the ‘Sabbath’ day of creation declares the good news that under his sovereign reign everything in his realm is as it should be.” - Scot Haffeman
1. THE SABBATH REST OF GOD C. God’s 7th Day Rest Therefore: Sabbath is not simply about taking a day off for physical rest Sabbath is a foundational Biblical theme describing the purpose of the Creator for His creation
1. THE SABBATH REST OF GOD C. God’s 7th Day Rest The “day of rest” provisions in Israel’s Law are a weekly reminder of God’s Sabbath, and a calling to participate in that Sabbath
1. THE SABBATH REST OF GOD What is the vision of human thriving that arises from the Sabbath rest of God? How should this shape our vision of how the Bible presents “politics”?
A. Genesis 2 and Human Thriving If God’s Sabbath rest means that God has created a world in which all is provided, then human thriving means living in a world in which we are provided for
2. SABBATH PEOPLE The LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. - Genesis 2:7
2. SABBATH PEOPLE Now the LORD God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. And the LORD God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. - Genesis 2:8-9
2. SABBATH PEOPLE A river watering the garden flowed from Eden; from there it was separated into four headwaters. - Genesis 2:10
2. SABBATH PEOPLE The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. And the LORD God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden…” - Genesis 2:15-16
2. SABBATH PEOPLE The LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” - Genesis 2:18
2. SABBATH PEOPLE A. Genesis 2 and Human Thriving God’s Sabbath rest: God has provided Human Sabbath life: Living in the restfulness of God’s provision
2. SABBATH PEOPLE B. The Biblical Vision of Human Thriving To thrive as humans, we must… 1. Acknowledge the Sovereignty of God
2. SABBATH PEOPLE B. The Biblical Vision of Human Thriving To thrive as humans, we must… 2. Acknowledge that God is provider
2. SABBATH PEOPLE B. The Biblical Vision of Human Thriving To thrive as humans, we must… 3. Trust in God’s character
2. SABBATH PEOPLE B. The Biblical Vision of Human Thriving To thrive as humans, we must… 4. Believe that God’s Word is a Word of blessing, not depriving
2. SABBATH PEOPLE B. The Biblical Vision of Human Thriving To thrive as humans, we must… 5. Not strive to be our own providers (our own gods)
2. SABBATH PEOPLE B. The Biblical Vision of Human Thriving To thrive as humans, we must… 6. Work to bring in the gifts God has provided (work and Sabbath aren’t mutually exclusive)
2. SABBATH PEOPLE B. The Biblical Vision of Human Thriving To thrive as humans, we must… 7. Live lives of gratitude
2. SABBATH PEOPLE B. The Biblical Vision of Human Thriving To thrive as humans, we must… 8. “Worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only. Do not follow other gods, the gods of the people around you.” (Deut 6:13-14)
3. A SABBATH POLITICAL THEORY What are the elements of a “political theory” arising from the Sabbath Story of human thriving?
3. A SABBATH POLITICAL THEORY The Biblical story of human thriving envisions: A society of worshippers trusting the Lord for His provision A community of people dwelling in the loving care of God
3. A SABBATH POLITICAL THEORY The Biblical story of human thriving envisions: A society of people who need not seek our own welfare because we trust that God is looking out for our welfare A community who work to bring in that which is provided
3. A SABBATH POLITICAL THEORY The Biblical story of human thriving envisions: Trust Dependence A life without fear A life without competition for resources A life without power inequalities Freedom from abuse
3. A SABBATH POLITICAL THEORY The Biblical story of human thriving envisions: A community of justice because we are living under God’s Fatherly wisdom A community of peace because we are living under God’s Fatherly care A community of freedom because we are living in the goodness of God’s will
3. A SABBATH POLITICAL THEORY How does this vision compare to our current political realities? How do our current political realities fit into this story?
Next Week: Rebelling Against Sabbath