INTERMINGLED P.O.S. : Verb Definition: Mixed or Blended Synonym: Motley Antonym: Purebred Sentence: At 45 Himmel Street, everyone intermingled in the basement as the air raids were going on outside. Were intermingling!
THREADBARE P.O.S. : Adj. Definition: Worn or ragged Synonym: Dilapidated Antonym: Pristine Sentence: Liesel’s clothes are very threadbare. They are very old and dilapidated.
EBONY P.O.S. : Adj. Definition: A shade of black Synonym: Dark Antonym: Light Sentence: Liesel received a new, blank, ebony journal from the mayor’s wife.
ADAMANTLY P.O.S. : Adverb Definition: Stubbornly or with determination Synonym: Unwaveringly Antonym: Enthusiastically Sentence: Liesel adamantly stole books from the mayor’s library. She would not let Rudy talk her out of it.
FLIPPANTLY P.O.S. : Adj. Definition: Disrespectfully or carelessly Synonym: Glibly Antonym: Vigilant Sentence: The Hubberman’s neighbors liked to flippantly spit on their door.
HAGGARD P.O.S. : Adj. Definition: Looking weary or tired Synonym: Fatigued Antonym: Alert Sentence: Rudy always looked hungry or haggard when Liesel met up with him.
RESILIENCY P.O.S. : Noun Definition: Ability to recover or strength and endurance Synonym: Recuperate Antonym: Succumb Sentence: Luckily, Max had a resilience to whatever illness he got, for he did not succumb to it.
WIZENED P.O.S. : Adj. Definition: Wrinkled or shriveled up Synonym: Furrowed Antonym: Smoothened Sentence: When Max was marching through Molching, his body was wizened. He was starving.
BARREN P.O.S. : Adj. Definition: Empty; unable to support growth Synonym: Bleak Antonym: Fertile Sentence: The Hubberman’s basement was barren except for a few paint cans and tarps.
DISCREETLY P.O.S. : Adv. Definition: Done with caution or care Synonym: Modestly Antonym: Flippantly Sentence: When Liesel stole a book from the mayor’s library, she did so very discreetly.
ENGROSSED P.O.S. : Adj. Definition: Totally absorbed mentally in something or an idea Synonym: Involved Antonym: Uninterested Sentence: Whenever Liesel read a book, she was always engrossed in it.
PATRONIZE P.O.S. : Verb Definition: To shop at Synonym: Utilize Antonym: Avoid Sentence: Only once did Liesel and Rudy patronize the shop on the corner.
WHEEDLE P.O.S. : Verb Definition: To persuade Synonym: Coax Antonym: Agree Sentence: Liesel wheedled her neighbor, Rudy, to steal with her.
VERANDA P.O.S. : Noun Definition: Porch Synonym: Gazebo Antonym: Shelterless Sentence: In the air raid that hit Himmel Street, everything, even the verandas, were destroyed.
PUSSYFOOTED P.O.S. : Verb Definition: Wasting time or tread warily Synonym: Meander Antonym: Swiftly Sentence: Not wanting to go to bed, Liesel pussyfooted around by talking to Max.
ADMONISHED P.O.S. : Verb Definition: Cautioned Synonym: Forewarned Antonym: Insisted Sentence: Rudy admonished Liesel NOT to come to the wrecked plane, yet she came anyways.
EMPHATIC P.O.S. : Adj. Definition: Forceful Synonym: Dynamic Antonym: Weak Sentence: Rosa Hubberman was usually emphatic with directions; she always made them very clear.
EXPOUNDING P.O.S. : Verb Definition: Talking about in detail Synonym: Illustrative Antonym: Vague Sentence: Liesel always expounded about the weather to Max. She never left out a detail.
PROPRIETOR P.O.S. : Noun Definition: Store Owner Synonym: Manager Antonym: Customer Sentence: Frau Diller was a proprietor. She had her own little shop at the end of Himmel Street.
SUBTLE P.O.S. : Adj. Definition: Faint and sometimes mysterious Synonym: Elusive Antonym: Obvious Sentence: When Rudy decided to imitate Jessie Owens, he was not very subtle about it. Rudy was obvious.