Allowed vs. Aloud Allowed – past tense verb – to let do or happen I am not allowed to talk on the phone after 10 p.m. Aloud – adverb – with use of voice or in a loud tone Please read the paragraph aloud to the class.
We were not allowed to read our books aloud to each other in the library.
Buy vs. By vs. Bye Buy – verb – to acquire in exchange of money I want to buy the new One Direction album. By – preposition – close to something I drive by Sonic on my way to school everyday. Bye – noun/interjection – short for goodbye I waved bye to my friends as I drove out of the parking lot.
Buy, By, Bye I went by the store to buy N’sync’s CD, No Strings Attached, featuring their hit song, “Bye, Bye, Bye.”
Deer vs. Dear Deer – noun – a hoofed mammal, Bambi I love the fall because fall means deer season! Dear – adj – loved or cherished My dear friend, John Sharp, lives in Batesville.
Cent vs. Scent vs. Sent Cent – noun – a coin Scent – noun – an odor Sent – verb – past tense of send
50 Cent has a new scent that he sent to me as a gift.
Its vs. It’s Its – adj – possessive form of it It’s – contraction of it is
It’s time to help the dog find its bone.
Knew vs. New Knew – verb – past tense of know New – adj – just found, discovered, or learned
I knew you would enjoy the new movie Captain America: Civil War.
Know vs. No Know – verb – grasp in the mind with clarity or certainty N0 – adj – not any, not at all, hardly any I know no one in my class would ever break the rules.
Meat vs. Meet Meat – noun – edible flesh of animals Meet – verb – to come upon by chance or arrangement Let’s meet each other on the meat isle at Walmart.
Won vs. One Won – past tense verb – past participle of win One – adj. – the lowest cardinal number
Our team won by one point!
Then vs. Than Then- related to time or the order in which things occur Than- used for comparison
Every now and then I feel smarter than the average bear.