Root WordDefinitionSentencePictogram co, con, com together, with QW: Should a bear be killed for attacking a camper in his/her tent?


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Presentation transcript:

Root WordDefinitionSentencePictogram co, con, com together, with QW: Should a bear be killed for attacking a camper in his/her tent?

Root WordDefinitionSentencePictogram co, con, com together, with My co-workers and I are packed into the English office. c + o QW: Should a bear be killed for attacking a camper in his/her tent?

ARG Active Reading Guide Your annotation cheat sheet 1.Tape it into your comp book 2.Update your table of contents

GRAND JUNCTION — Wildlife officials say a 50-year-old Colorado Springs man is recovering from non-life-threatening injuries after he was attacked by a black bear while camping near Lake San Cristobal in southwestern Colorado. Colorado Parks and Wildlife spokesman Mike Porras tells the Grand Junction Daily Sentinel the man was camping in a legal but undesignated area when he was awakened by something pushing on his tent at about 4 a.m. Wednesday. The man pushed back, and the bear reacted. Porras says the bear probably had begun to associate tents with food. A bear thought to have been involved in the attack was euthanized Thursday. What is the main idea of this news story? (M.I.) What are the important supporting details to help you understand what happened? (S.D.) Are those supporting details (S.D.) facts, rhymes, metaphors, or statistics?

GRAND JUNCTION — Wildlife officials say a 50-year-old Colorado Springs man is recovering from non-life-threatening injuries after he was attacked by a black bear while camping near Lake San Cristobal in southwestern Colorado. Colorado Parks and Wildlife spokesman Mike Porras tells the Grand Junction Daily Sentinel the man was camping in a legal but undesignated area when he was awakened by something pushing on his tent at about 4 a.m. Wednesday. The man pushed back, and the bear reacted. Porras says the bear probably had begun to associate tents with food. A bear thought to have been involved in the attack was euthanized Thursday. (S.D.) Fact  M.I. (S.D.) Fact  (S.D.)  Fact (S.D.) Fact  (S.D.)  Fact (S.D.) Fact  Author’s  Purpose

Root Word DefinitionSentencePictogram contra, contro against QW: Do you push and pull others more than they push and pull you?

Root Word DefinitionSentencePictogram contra, contro against I avoid controversial topics when talking to people I don’t know. Contra QW: Do you push and pull others more than they push and pull you?

Coming up… Bring a book or magazine of your choice to class Wed/Thur for SSR (sustained silent reading) We will update SSR logs at the end of SSR Root Word Quiz Friday Anti, AntAgainst, Counteract baropressure Biolife Circumabout, around Co, con, comwith, together Contra, controagainst Densthick Ec, ExOut

Annotations Annotations are little notes you make while you read. You write annotations when you see clues about… Main Idea (M.I.) Supporting Details (S.D.) Author’s Purpose (Auth Purp) Audience the author is writing for (Aud.) Craft (tools a writer uses to get his/her point across) Facts Statistics Repetition Metaphors Similes Vivid, precise word choice Personal experience Historical details Persuasive language Etc…

Poem Annotation Practice 1.Annotate the poem for a.Author (A) / Title (T) / Pub b.Main Idea (MI) c.Supporting Details (S.D) d.Author’s Purpose (A. Purp) e.Craft (writer’s tools) Diction (vivid, precise word choice) Historical details Imagery (uses words to create an image in the reader’s mind) Repetition (repeats words, phrases, images…) Metaphors 2. Table Talk – agreement on annotations

Push and Pull Like many who came before From distant corners of the globe Pushed from home Fleeing calamity Hunger, Poverty, War The United States Land of Dreams Pulling those seeking a better life Offering hope and optimism To the downtrodden, the desperate They've come to this New World For several hundred years now In crashing waves from different places at different times Only to face new struggles In a new land "They're taking our jobs." "They're stealing our money." "They don't want to speak English." "Send them all back to where they came from." They've all taken turns bearing the brunt Eventually each group melds into the giant pot Becoming a part of a new America Time and time again And the wave we have crashing over our shores now Will, too by John Myers

Discord a Two-Voice Poem by L. Wolken Lift it up YOU’VE GOT TO She’s 3 NO! Not like that LIFT it!Just let her Here Let her have it Give it to me WatchLet her hold it! Watch! She was enjoying herself! Watch! She doesn’t know HereShe’s 3 Hold it like that You’re not Give it to her going to catch anything She doesn’t care She WANTS to catch somethingShe’s 3 That’s the whole pointJust let her fish

Root WordDefinitionSentencePictogram densthick QW: Is it better to flee or fight back against a violent tyrant?

Root WordDefinitionSentencePictogram densthick Unlike balsa, oak is a dense wood is used for flooring. DENS QW: Is it better to flee or fight back against a violent tyrant?

SSR ~ Sustained Silent Reading Quickly choose a book/magazine if you didn’t bring one Take out your SSR Log (Fiction / Nonfiction) and date it Read silently 15 minutes Complete entries on SSR log / s

Readers’ Workshop Pg. 52 in comp book – “Readers’ Workshop” Write today’s date in margin Listen to a Quick Book Talk Write notes about the book (1-2 lines) Minilesson: (take notes on next line) Protagonist = main character, the one who is experiencing the conflict, not always a good person

Your Individual Writing Plan Clearly print your first and last name and period on the photocopy of your work – BOTH sides Review the 3-4 things Ms. W marked on your IWP to work on this year Write a note on the bottom to Ms. W or Mr. Poese saying what 1 or 2 things you want to work on. When you’re available, or if you want work to take home. Turn in the photo copy to Ms. W so it can go to Mr. Poese in the Writing Center (counts as a grade)

Nonfiction Narrative Annotation Practice 1.Read the narrative by Genevieve Barrios about her family 2.Annotate for… a.Author (1) / Pub (1) b.Main Idea (1) c.Diction (5) d.Logical Order of Events (1) e.Imagery (2) f.Author’s Purpose (2-3)

As a child, and young adult, I heard my family ’ s story of their flight from war-torn Mexico. I never heard praise for the popular heroes who adorn today ’ s t-shirts and posters. This photo of Lorenza Barrios Arias was taken after her arrival in the U.S. She was the aunt of Genevieve Barrios Southgate, who wrote of her family's experiences in the Mexican Revolution. "My aunt Lorenza (Mama Lencha) would not speak about the horrors that they witnessed until she was well into her eighties," Southgate wrote. What I heard was the story of federal troops storming through their rancho (small settlement) one day and the revolutionaries storming through the next. Both taking food and supplies for their men and leaving behind scarce food and destruction for the families of the rancho. On the last of these invasions a rebel general attempted to recruit my 17-year-old uncle, Francisco (Pancho). My grandmother, Epifania Barrios, pleaded with the general to not take her son from her. When the general threatened to shoot Francisco, my grandmother stood in front of her son and told the general that he would have to shoot her first. To everyone ’ s surprise, the general relented and told my grandmother that he would return the next day and if the family was still at the ranch, he would recruit Francisco to fight with him and his men. That night the family of Trinidad and Epifania Barrios left El Rancho Los Garcia, Jerez, Zacatecas, with whatever necessities they could carry and fled to the city of Zacatecas in June Besides Trinidad and Epifania, the family caravan included their sons, Francisco and my father, 5-year-old Cruz, their daughter and son-in-law, Lorenza and Jose Arias and their infant son Antonio. In Zacatecas, they hoped to find safe shelter. What they came upon was the aftermath of the bloodiest battle of the war and the turning point for the revolutionaries. My aunt Lorenza (Mama Lencha) would not speak about the horrors that they witnessed in the Mexican Revolution until she was well into her eighties. She then told of the family approaching the hilly city and seeing streams of blood flowing down the streets, and pigs eating off of dead bodies. in the Mexican Revolution That night the Barrios found shelter with a kind family. Early the next day, word came that there was a freight train passing through later in the day. The family quickly gathered their meager possessions and ran to wait for the train to El Paso del Norte. It was an arduous trip, but they were all together. In those days, all that was needed to enter the U.S. was to pay a fee of a few cents each. My Mama Lencha said they had a hard time scraping up the total fee, but the kind immigrations officer took pity on them and let them enter with what money they had. As soon as they could, each able person in the family found jobs. My family worked the fields, the mines and the factories of the Southwest, until they had enough money to buy a house and a small grocery store in El Monte. My uncle Francisco died in his early twenties of a lung disease he developed from working in the mines of Arizona. After marrying Ruth (Maria del Refugio) Almanza, and moving to Santa Ana, Cruz and Ruth Barrios opened their own grocery business and became respected community leaders. Ruth (Maria del Refugio) Almanza Cruz and Ruth Barrios

Root WordDefinitionSentencePictogram Ec, Exout QW: Should people stand their ground against violent tyrants who may try to enslave or kill? Or is it better to flee and start a new life elsewhere?

Root WordDefinitionSentencePictogram Ec, Exout Exit the building through the Weber Street doors. QW: What would you like to get out of?QW: Should people stand their ground against violent tyrants who may try to enslave or kill? Or is it better to flee and start a new life elsewhere?

Finish early? 1.Write another style of poem 2.Pick a book from the box and read 3.Quick Write

Root Words from week 1 & 2 Anti, Ant Against, Counteractanti-toxin, toxic, toxemia, toxicology baropressurebarometer, bar Biolifebiology, zoology, psychology Circumabout, around circumference; circumnavigate, circumvent Co, con, comwith, together Collinear, converge, condensation, convergent, concentric Contra, controagainstcontrary, contradict, contrast Densthickdensity, dense Ec, ExOutexoskeleton