TECHNOLOGY IN TEACHING ENGLISH AS A FOREING LANGUAGE Activity 2, General recognition task Presented by: Oscar Herney Escobar Gomez Code: Group: 6 Presented to: Liliana Isabel Moreno Tutor UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL ABIERTA Y A DISTANCIA – UNAD – ESCUELA DE CIENCIAS DE LA EDUCACIÓN – ECEDU – Sevilla V, 2014
Information and communication technologies are actually being used in education to help teachers and students to facilitate more effectively the teaching and learning process by providing them with access to a big variety of new information, materials and methodologies. How do ICT help improve education? The Impact of the ICT in the education
There are 6 ways in which we can use ICT to improve education. SupportExtend Using ICT to allow us to do things more effectively or efficiently Easy access for all kind of information
EngagementTransform Allowing us to do new or different things involving learners in activities through the motivational influence of technology
Inclusion Improvement By using ICT to overcome learner disabilities or disadvantages By saving time, being able to enrich a learning experience
Is ICT useful in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language)? Why? With the help of ICT, the teaching and learning process will become more efficient and effective.
The teacher could make use of the internet to locate studies proving the theories that their teaching is actually applied to the real world. This is the present and the future of the education
In addition, the information and knowledge will be travelling faster and further through using the ICT which in turn can help the student to be more effective in their learning. Free access to a lot of information
Web 2.0 Technologies for Educators WHAT IS A WEBLOG? A weblog is usually a personal website where anybody can publish whatever they want to share with others. Weblogs are commonly known as blogs. “To blog” can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog
WHAT IS A WIKI? A collaborative tool for setting up easily edited websites which have content added and amended by readers An entire class can use a wiki to generate a collective product. If the learning activity of an individual has to be assessed or examined, you can choose to create single accounts for every participant so that you can see who is writing what and you can check that the progress of each individual is satisfactory.
WHAT IS A PODCAST? A podcast is like a radio or TV show. So we can broadcast our own audio and video material on the web so that others can listen or download your work However, instead of being broadcast live, a podcast is recorded and then distributed over the internet, so that you can listen to it whenever you want.
References Essays, UK. (November 2013). The Use Of Ict To Help Educate Students Education Essay. Retrieved from educate-students-education-essay.php?cref=1 educate-students-education-essay.php?cref=1