Student Branch Funding Proposal IEEE Central Texas Section Fall Planning Meeting San Marcos, Texas
IEEE Central Texas Section Branch Officers l Chair: Austin DeHart l External Vice-Chair: Erik Eyberg l Internal Vice-Chair: Jasmine Liu l Secretary: Diana St Louis l Treasurer: Jessica Van Curen l Corporate Liaison: Patty Shaw l Member Resources: Carolyn Gjertsen l Programs Director: Bryan Sierra l Membership Director: Huai Shih l Internet Director: Huan Nguyen l Officers l Faculty Advisor: Dr. Sriram Vishwanath, (512)
IEEE Central Texas Section Branch Overview l Received MGA Student Branch Membership Growth Award award in June for highest percentage growth in Region 5 l Currently developing closer relationship with community, college, department, section, and corporate supporters l Attempting to reconnect to Society chapters on campus: CommSoc, CS, Power, RAS
IEEE Central Texas Section Branch General Meetings l Held Thursday nights l 9/11 - ARM l 9/25 - open l 10/9 - NetQoS l 10/23 - VI Technology l 11/6 - Celanese l 11/20 - open l 12/4 - open
IEEE Central Texas Section Proposal Information l Requesting $1,500 from CTS l $300: office improvements (couch covers, paint, etc) and supplies (new business cards, etc) l $500: supplies to build Rube Goldberg Contest entry l $200: materials for outreach presentations l $500: food costs for 4 Faculty Firesides
IEEE Central Texas Section Branch Issues l #1 problem in 07-08: large paper membership, yet low participation in most activities l Probable causes: l Lack of perceived value in membership l Few social, outreach, and networking activities l No branding & publicity l Lack of organization/initiative among officers l Nonexistent planning l Stagnation among graduating students
IEEE Central Texas Section Solutions to Branch Issues l New, better-organized officer core l Many more activities planned for l Several outreach activities l >20 chances to meet with corporate reps l >40 chances to network with fellow ECEs l Cooperation between Branch, Societies, and department l More effective publicity using new methods
IEEE Central Texas Section Branch Goal To improve relations between members and: l Employers l Faculty l Future ECEs l Other engineering students Activities are planned to address each group
IEEE Central Texas Section Activities: Employers l More general meetings (7 in fall, 8 in spring) - all with corporate presentations l 4 sponsored Fajita Fests/Burger Burns l IEEE Fall Kickoff (Schlumberger & TI), Spring l Facility tours (Austin Energy, ETS-Lindgren, etc) l Lunch lectures (IBM Research, etc) l Trade show & conference attendance l Possible résumé workshops, S-PACs, etc.
IEEE Central Texas Section Activities: Faculty l Faculty Firesides l Lunch Lectures l Graduate School Panel (Computer Society) l Lower-division recruitment presentations l Inform students about Branch and Societies l Include fun demonstrations (especially from RAS) l Faculty involvement in Branch events l Faculty Appreciation Week (college-wide)
IEEE Central Texas Section Activities: Future ECEs l Robotics competitions for middle and high school students (FIRST, BEST) organized by RAS l General outreach presentations for elementary, middle, and high school students l College-wide activities: l Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day l EDAM (Engineering Day at the Mall)
IEEE Central Texas Section Activities: Other Engineers l Organization fairs (Fall Gathering, ParkFest) l Society updates at general meetings l Frag-a-Thon computer gaming evenings l Study-a-Thon study nights for finals l College-wide events: l National Engineers Week (E-Week, February 13-21) l Rivals Week (vs. business students, late March) l Rube Goldberg competition (part of E-Week) l Team activities vs. other orgs (paintball, etc)
IEEE Central Texas Section Budget and Costs l Need lots of money to have lots of activities l Major source of funds: generous corporations l Other sources include college grants and the Central Texas Section l Some costs recouped through participation fees and other charges (ex: Fajita Fest) l Expected expenditures >$10,000 in for all activities
IEEE Central Texas Section Central Texas Section Commitment l Little corporate support for non-recruiting activities l Requesting $1500, broken down as follows: l $300: office improvements (couch covers, paint, etc) and supplies (new business cards, etc) l $500: supplies to build Rube Goldberg Contest entry l $200: materials for outreach presentations l $500: food costs for 4 Faculty Firesides
IEEE Central Texas Section Conclusion l Great prospects for coming school year l CTS funding necessary for several key projects and for day-to-day activities l Officers scattered around the state and country are reachable for further questions: l Austin DeHart, Chair – l Erik Eyberg, Ext. Vice-Chair – l Jasmine Liu, Int. Vice-Chair –