RNA trafficking and translation in neurons John Carson
postsynaptic density RNA granule signaling synthesis CaMKII FMRP NG ARC PKM MAP1B MAP2 TOG hnRNP A2 RNA FMRP PSD and RNA granule constitute a bipartite positive feedback system to convert ephemeral electrical stimulation at the synapse into enduring biochemical changes in the spine RNA granule
translational output from individual RNA granules is bursty DHPG CaMKII FMRP NG PKM MAP1B MAP2 ARC
A2RE protein Stochastic simulation of bursty translation requires initiation rates > 0.3/s
CaMKII FMRP NG PKM MAP1B MAP2 ARC slow fast intact TOG protein is necessary and sufficient for granule assembly and bursty translation TOG is a structural catalyst for translation D1D2D3D4D5D6D7