School-to-Work Transition Information Bases in Asia and the Pacific Dr. Vineeta Sirohi Associate Professor NUEPA New Delhi, India INDIA
Key Findings –Skill Needs Monitoring MAJOR CHALLENGES Using of existing data in an integrated manner for school-to-work transition information. Periodicity, delay, lack of reliable estimates at lower level of disaggregation(NSS). Multi dimensional information needs for an efficient labour market information system. Employment Market Information- limited coverage. Absence of business registers. INDIA
Key Findings POLICY MEASURES INTRODUCED TO IMPROVE STW TRANSITION INFO BASES National Policy on Skill Development establishment of Labour Market Information System (LMIS) and Human Resource Planning (HRP) for the reliable and realistic assessment of economic trends and labour market needs. Restructure Employment Exchanges as career guidance centres Quality Assurance-Research & Information- linking supply-demand in Org.&Unorg. sectors INDIA
Key Findings EXAMPLES OF BEST PRACTICES Sectoral Mapping by conducting skill gap studies at the National level in 20 high growth sectors identified by Planning Commission State level skill gap studies INDIA
Key Findings-Qualitative Approaches MAJOR CHALLENGES Legislations governing employer engagement are not successfully implemented and enforced. Staff organising interfaces between employer and schools lack the required expertise. Operational hurdles in PPP set up. INDIA
Key Findings POLICY MEASURES INTRODUCED TO IMPROVE STW TRANSITION INFO BASES The Apprenticeship Act 1961 is being amended to facilitate employer-employee relation and also employer-education cooperation. Establishment of National Skill Development Corporation. Establishment of Sector Skills Council. INDIA
Key Findings- Labour Market Perf. MAJOR CHALLENGES Surveys/ studies are irregular on adhoc basis, only few sectors are covered, more levels of disaggregation required and legislation is not effective for collection of labour market data. Lack of evaluative evidence on the impact of vocational education/training. Need to improve co-ordination in the generation and use of Labour Market Information. INDIA
Key Findings POLICY MEASURES INTRODUCED TO IMPROVE STW TRANSITION INFO BASES National Policy,2009 identifies labour market performance as a key thrust area-supply of trained workers adjustable to the changing demands of employment and technologies. Focus on modular courses- relevant for workplace. Demand driven system guided by labour market signals thereby reducing skills mismatch: Labour Market Information and Human Resource Planning INDIA
RECOMMENDATIONS TO NATIONAL GOVERNMENT Establish a comprehensive Labour Market Information System and a revamped network of employment exchanges-more frequent labour force data. Strengthening connection between school and work, facilitating school-to-work transition. Career Counselling -institutionalized. Need to have a unified view or direction across initiatives INDIA
PROPOSED AREAS OF INTERVENTION FOR UNESCO Periodic Research and Academic consultation with UNESCO, through a research cell UNESCO can provide for capacity building at school level. As long as there is a lack of personnel at school level who can understand, interpret and analyse skill needs data and tailor curriculum accordingly, the entire policy effort will remain unsuccessful. Facilitating in sharing of experiences and best practices among different countries. INDIA