Common Diabetes Terms Presented By: J & B Medical Supply
Confused About Diabetes? Diabetes is a common but serious medical concern. It is important to fully understand your diabetes so you know the best way to treat and car for it. Diabetes can easily become overwhelming with all of its terminology. That’s why J & B Medical Supply has taken the time to break down all of the most important terms for you.
Blood Glucose Monitor The blood glucose monitor is a device that allows you to test how much sugar is in your blood from the comfort and convenience of your home. Gestational Diabetes If you have gestational diabetes than you were diagnosed with a high blood sugar level during pregnancy.
Glucose The term glucose refers to a simple sugar found in blood. It is also the body’s main source of energy known as dextrose. Insulin Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas that helps your body to transform sugar into energy. The beta cells of the pancreas make insulin.
Hyperglycemia “Hyperglycemia” is a much bigger word than you think. All it means is simply high blood sugar. Hypoglycemia Hypoglycemia is the exact opposite of hyperglycemia; it simply means low blood sugar.
Insulin Pump An insulin pump is a small, computerized device that come with a small flexible tube with a fine needle on the end. The needle is placed under the skin of the abdomen and taped in place. It allows for a steady flow of insulin into the body. Insulin Resistance Insulin resistance occurs when the effect of insulin on muscle, fat, and live cells is ineffective with both natural insulin and insulin injections. It requires higher levels of insulin to lower the blood sugar.
Neuropathy Neuropathy is Simply a big word that means nerves damange. Basal Rate Basal rate is the amount of insulin your body requires to manage its blood glucose functions.
Insulin Shock Insulin shock is a common but severe issue that many diabetics experience at one point or another. It is caused by a rapid decline of blood sugar levels. Pancreas Your pancreas is an organ behind the lower part of your stomach that is about the size of a hand. It makes insulin so that the body can use sugar for energy.
Peripheral Neuropathy Peripheral Neuropathy refers to a type of nerve damage most commonly affecting the feet and legs. Renal Anytime someone uses the word “Renal” they are referring to the kidneys.
Sugar When used to discuss the body, sugar refers to a class of carbohydrates that tastes sweet and is quick and easy fuel for the body to use. There are many different forms of sugar including lactose, glucose, fructose, and sucrose. Triglyceride Triglyceride simply refers to fats that are carried in the blood from the food we eat.
Type 1 Diabetes A person with Type 1 Diabetes has a type of diabetes where insulin- producing cells of the pancreas are damaged. People with this form of diabetes often produce little or no insulin which cause their blood sugar to rise. They must use insulin injections to control it. Type 2 Diabetes Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes do not produce enough insulin on their own or their bodies do not respond to the amount present. These individuals often struggle with an increase in the level of glucose in their bodies.
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