Queryable Properties for Dataset Discovery Erin would you combine the tables, resend slides Dataset Fields Core CS-W Fields Desired CSW Query Fields 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Queryable Properties for Dataset Discovery Erin would you combine the tables, resend slides Dataset Fields Core CS-W Fields Desired CSW Query Fields 1 Current Geo Portal Queryable Fields GetCapabilities Doc Automatic metadata extraction from OGC Capabilities Docs.

Community Catalog: How Do We Get There? AQ Community Catalog AQ Community Portal CS-W WMSWCSWFSW*S Capability GEOSS App Server Community Data Server Community App CS-W, W*S Possible AQ GEOSS Use Scenario: Data Server publishes OGC W*S service AQ Comm. Cat creates CS-W metadata from GetCapability docs Clearinghouse searches/harvests AQ Cat with CS-W AQ Comm. Portal creates AQ-relevant views of Clearinghouse services Apps/Users find suitable services through AQ Comm. Portal

AQ AIP Linkages AQ Community Catalog AQ Community Portal CS-W WMSWCSW*SKML Capability GEOSS App Provider Community Data Server Community AQ Apps CS-W, W*S Portals Applications, Clients Testing Workflow Processing Serv, Alerts Clearinghouse Catalog, Metadata Access Services Products, Sensors GEOSS AIP WorkgroupsCore AQ System AQ Apps Workflow Processing Serv, Alerts AQ Apps Workflow Processing Serv, Alerts AQ Apps Workflow Proc. Services, Alerts AQ IT

AQ Contribution to Transverse Use Cases AIP is designed to test the GEOSS architecture through the Scenarios use of Use Cases

AQ Scenario to Demonstrate –Reusable Architecture of GEOSS –Communication with other SBA’s Use Cases are –Steps in the Use of the GEOSS Architecture –Applicable beyond the AIP2 CCRM Access Portal / Client Access Portal / Client Workflow Testing CCRM Portal/Client

Catalogs – Quariable Fields for Discovery Where are we now? Where do we want to be? How do we get there? Discovery Metadata Extracted from Std Protocols