1 Seminar on Public-Private Partnerships – Strengthening Regional Competitiveness, Brussels 12 Nov PPPs, a Key Feature of The Regional Innovative.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Seminar on Public-Private Partnerships – Strengthening Regional Competitiveness, Brussels 12 Nov PPPs, a Key Feature of The Regional Innovative Actions Programme Jean-Bernard Benhaiem European Commission - DG Regional Policy

2 Overview Introduction Expectations Results Conclusion

3 ERDF Innovative Actions 3 priority themes technological innovation information society sustainable development Regional programmes Networks Regional Innovation Award

4 Objectives Increase competitiveness at regional level Boost regions capacity toward knowledge- based economy Build large public-private partnerships at regional level (incl SMEs, organisations, etc.) Provide a chance to experiment risky ideas Learn from the experiences of all regions Improve the quality of the mainstream (Obj.1 & 2 programmes)

5 Results to-date 126 regional programmes adopted 3 network programmes adopted Success due to: –“programme” rather than “project” approach –simplified submission and selection procedures –decentralised management –meeting the regions needs and expectations –regional partnerships including the public and private sectors, education and research bodies and the social partners

6 Choice of themes by the regions 75% technological innovation 75% information society 25 % sustainable development

7 Public Private Partnership

8 Substantial private participation (15 %), given the "public" nature of regional policy In a number of programmes, there is a majority of private sector members on the steering committee. Industry bodies associated to steering the "public" policy (regions) Private sector leading some specific activities

9 Innovation Technology Split per sub-theme

10 Sustainable Development Split per sub-theme

11 Information Society Split per sub-theme

12 Information Society in IA e-government : ES, FR, IT - in rural areas –e-health, e-administration, e-education platforms –emphasis on the ownership the new technologies –example: Aosta (IT) = e-Valley

13 Information Society in IA e-business for SMEs: AT, ES, FR + NL/IT/UK/FI –e-commerce and transactions, web sites –training of staff in ICT, networking of firms –emphasis on confidence, security & transparency –examples: Niederöstereich (AT) - B2B IT solutions

14 Information Society in IA new business processes via ICT : ES, IT, DK –support for transition to e-business –web services for firms, knowledge management tools, broadband tele-working –emphasis on “digital spirit” and e-content –examples: Extramadura - new “business culture” Västswerige (SE) – e-logistic, e-business centres

15 Information Society in IA advanced ICT for spatial development : ES, FR, IT –most promising innovation (in rural/mountain areas) to fight the “digital divide” –broadband access to Internet –emphasis on applications and ownership of new tech. –example: Provence-Alpes Côte d’Azur - Internet satellite

16 Networks 3 thematic networks –IANIS, Information Society - Sachsen (DE) –Sustainable Development - Wales (UK) –ERIK, Technological Innovation - Emilia Romagna (IT)

17 Conclusion Experience of 2 first years: –Innovative actions programmes have responded to region needs –Innovation is on the agenda of a lot of regions –Emphasis placed by the Commission on public-private partnerships and the involvement of the private sector at all stages of the programme well received by regions –Important role of the private sector in this regional innovation process as part of the experimentations (beneficiary) a crucial actor in making and experimenting the "public" policies a model developer and validator (e.g. business plan)