Lesson Study Hannah Taylor and Lizzy Ashley
What is lesson study? A highly specific form of classroom action research focusing on the development of teacher practise knowledge. Used in Japan since the 1870s Teachers collaboratively plan, teach, observe and analyse learning and teaching. Allows refining of the pedagogical approach to improve student learning.
Which class, which students and why? Lesson study has been mentioned in Research advocates and the GO programme. The class has a wide range of ability (A*-F) We both teach the class and have both struggled teaching some aspects with them during the year. High: DC (over achieving on his target all year) Middle: JG (low level disruption, struggles to attain his target and with self motivation) Low: AW (very low self confidence/motivation, low level disruption – wandering around the room)
Observations DC: Straight to task, head down, independently chooses high level tasks. Didn’t do exam Q but did make notes from MS. JG: Slow to start a task, got an answer for everything, focus is on the ‘extras’ rather than the core content. Lazy. Chooses the ‘easiest task’. Staring into space- has a conversation with the teacher clarifying content, but still fails to start the task. Choosing to be the class clown. AW: Slow organisation, took QR support immediately. Further clarification required for all tasks. Low confidence. Didn’t try exam q. Quick to join disruptive behaviour – eggs on others.
How this has informed our practise. Clarification with weaker students must be prompt. Is there a way to provide clarification without it being teacher led (linking with more able students or providing a crib sheet). Praising positive class participation – DC is working significantly above target as a standard – this should be acknowledged regularly. Engaging JG – is this because the task is too challenging or is this a behavioural issue? Is there a learning issue e.g. processing ability which is preventing him from using the resources. We’d welcome input from other teachers.
Is lesson study for you? Impact’s student learning – assessing your breadth of differentiation. Allows you to see the gap between what you have assumed to be happening and what is happening. Focus is on the students learning, not your teaching. It’s nice to see it’s not just you if it is a class you find challenging! Improves teaching techniques. Next steps: Karen Paul