Unit 2!!! Level F. Ameliorate (v) to improve or make better Clue: Amelia Earhart ameliorated the negativity people had about women in aviation.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 2!!! Level F

Ameliorate (v) to improve or make better Clue: Amelia Earhart ameliorated the negativity people had about women in aviation.

Aplomb (n) Poise and self confidence

Bombastic (adj) Pompous language intended to conceal a lack of substance.

Callow (adj) Inexperienced or undeveloped

Drivel (n) saliva or mucus (n) Nonsense or foolish talk (v) to let saliva flow from the mouth or nose (v) to talk foolishly or aimlessly

Epitome (n) The perfect example or model of a reality.

Exhort (v) To urge or strongly advise

ex officio (adj, adv) Latin: “From the office” By virtue of holding a certain office Ex. The President is the ex officio Commander in Chief. EX. A chairperson can be an ex officio member of all board-appointed committees.

Infringe (v) To violate or go beyond bounds Clue: to go beyond the fringe; copyright infringement.

Ingratiate (v) To establish favor through deliberate effort. It would be unctuous to ingratiate oneself by using bombastic flattery.

Interloper (N) One who interferes or moves in where not wanted. The uninvited guest was an interloper who infringed upon the comfort of all present.

Intrinsic (adj) Native, natural, internal

Inveigh (v) To verbally protest against or violently attack in words.

Lassitude (n) A lack of energy; exhaustion.

Millennium (n) 1,000 years; period of great joy

Occult (adj; n) From Latin meaning “knowledge of the hidden” (adj) Mysterious, magical, secret, hidden (n) matters regarded as involving the action or influence of supernatural. (used with the article “the”)

Permeate (v) To spread through, penetrate, or pervade

Precipitate (v, adj, n) Verb: to fall as moisture; to cause or produce Adjective: hasty, rash Noun: moisture; the product of an action or process. Clues: precipitation, precede

Stringent (adj) Severe, strict; bitter Clue: strings, strict, strong

Surmise (v, n) (v) To make a guess without much evidence (n) a likely guess that lacks proof